[oXygen-user] WebHelp output: graphics put in subfolder [CAUSE FOUND]

Yves Barbion
Mon Sep 6 09:47:55 CDT 2010

Hi Radu

I have found the cause of the problem: some topics have a link to a topic
which is "outside the scope of the input dita/map directory", for example:

<related-links status = "new">
    <link href="../layout.xml#aw1140092">

The DITA OT then gives me this warning:

[pipeline] [DOTJ036W][WARN] The file
"C:\temp\oxygen_webhelp_test\DITA\layout.xml" referenced by
"C:\temp\oxygen_webhelp_test\DITA\prototype\to_create_a_task_topic.xml" is
outside the scope of the input dita/map directory. If you do not want to see
the warning message,please use the Ant parameter 'outer.control', and set
the value as "quiet".Or,you can move the referenced file

The graphics are then put in a subfolder.

I will send Support a small prototype.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards

Yves Barbion

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