[oXygen-user] Setting up catalog files for W3C XML Schemas

Sorin Ristache
Fri Feb 11 01:58:23 CST 2005


You should not modify the default catalog provided by <oXygen/>. It is 
used for providing default support to document types like Docbook, TEI, 
XHTML, SVG, JSP, for example if you create new documents starting from 
templates provided by the action "New from templates". As you can see in 
the XML Catalog Preferences page you have only a checkbox for 
instructing <oXygen/> to use the default catalog or not. The text field 
is not editable.

To use an additional XML catalog you have to add it to the list of 
catalogs from the same Preferences page by using the New button. The 
locations from schemaLocation attributes of XML documents and the system 
IDs from DOCTYPE declarations will be searched first in the default 
catalog if it is enabled and then in the catalogs from the list 
displayed in the Preferences page in the order they are enumerated in 
the list.

Best regards,


<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger


>I have downloaded the schemas from http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/0.3.2/.
>The schemas refer to xlink which I already have on my system in
>e:/downloads/GML3.1/GML2004-10-29/xlink/xlinks.xsd.  Rather than change the
>schemaLocation in the ows19115subset.xsd file I thought that I would use a
>catalog file to tell Oxygen 5.0 to find a local copy.
>The default catalog file in "Options => Preferences => XML Catalog" is
>file:/C:/Program Files/Oxygen 5.0/frameworks/catalog.xml. I edited this file
>by adding the following line:
>  <nextCatalog catalog="e:/downloads/oxygencatalog.xml"/>
>and added the following lines in the e:/downloads/oxygencatalog.xml" file:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
>   <rewriteURI
>    uriStartString="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink/"
>    rewritePrefix="GML3.1/GML2004-10-29/xlink/"/>
>If I open all the ows schemas into a project and then try to validate the
>project I get the following error:
>http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#src-resolve	E src-resolve: Cannot resolve
>the name 'xlink:simpleLink' to a(n) 'attribute group' component.
>ows19115subset.xsd	file:/E:/downloads/ows2/ows19115subset.xsd
>Yet the "simpleLink" attribute group is defined in xlinks.xsd as follows:
>	<attributeGroup name="simpleLink">
>		<attribute name="type" type="string" fixed="simple"
>		<attribute ref="xlink:href" use="optional"/>
>		<attribute ref="xlink:role" use="optional"/>
>		<attribute ref="xlink:arcrole" use="optional"/>
>		<attribute ref="xlink:title" use="optional"/>
>		<attribute ref="xlink:show" use="optional"/>
>		<attribute ref="xlink:actuate" use="optional"/>
>	</attributeGroup>
>Am I not using the catalog file syntax properly or is there a mismatch
>between the ows XSDs and xlink?
>John Hockaday
>Geoscience Australia
>GPO Box 378
>Canberra ACT 2601
>(02) 6249 9735
>oXygen-user mailing list

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