
Used by
Attribute xsl:generic-element-type/@default-collation
Namespace No namespace
The default-collation attribute is a standard attribute that may
                    appear on any element in the XSLT namespace, or (as xsl:default-collation) on a
                    literal result element. The attribute is used to specify the default collation
                    used by all XPath expressions appearing in the attributes of this element, or
                    attributes of descendant elements, unless overridden by another
                    default-collation attribute on an inner element. It also determines the
                    collation used by certain XSLT constructs (such as xsl:key and
                    xsl:for-each-group) within its scope. The value of the attribute is a
                    whitespace-separated list of collation URIs. If the implementation recognizes
                    one or more of these collation URIs, then it uses the first one that it
                    recognizes as the default collation.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:uri-list
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="default-collation" type="xsl:uri-list">
    <xs:documentation>The default-collation attribute is a standard attribute that may appear on any element in the XSLT namespace, or (as xsl:default-collation) on a literal result element. The attribute is used to specify the default collation used by all XPath expressions appearing in the attributes of this element, or attributes of descendant elements, unless overridden by another default-collation attribute on an inner element. It also determines the collation used by certain XSLT constructs (such as xsl:key and xsl:for-each-group) within its scope. The value of the attribute is a whitespace-separated list of collation URIs. If the implementation recognizes one or more of these collation URIs, then it uses the first one that it recognizes as the default collation.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:generic-element-type/@exclude-result-prefixes
Namespace No namespace
The created element node will also have a copy of the namespace nodes that were
                    present on the element node in the stylesheet tree with the exception of any namespace node whose
                    string value is designated as an excluded namespace. A namespace URIs designated by using an
                    [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute either on the literal result element itself or on an
                    ancestor element are designated as excluded namespace. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace
                    only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace. The value of the attribute is either #all,
                    or a whitespace-separated list of tokens, each of which is either a namespace prefix or #default.
                    The namespace bound to each of the prefixes is designated as an excluded namespace.<br/>See more
                    info at
Type xsl:prefix-list-or-all
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="exclude-result-prefixes" type="xsl:prefix-list-or-all">
    <xs:documentation>The created element node will also have a copy of the namespace nodes that were present on the element node in the stylesheet tree with the exception of any namespace node whose string value is designated as an excluded namespace. A namespace URIs designated by using an [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute either on the literal result element itself or on an ancestor element are designated as excluded namespace. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace. The value of the attribute is either #all, or a whitespace-separated list of tokens, each of which is either a namespace prefix or #default. The namespace bound to each of the prefixes is designated as an excluded namespace.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:generic-element-type/@extension-element-prefixes
Namespace No namespace
A namespace is designated as an extension namespace by using an
                    [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute on an element in the stylesheet. The attribute must be in
                    the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace. The default namespace
                    (as declared by xmlns) may be designated as an extension namespace by including #default in the list
                    of namespace prefixes. The designation of a namespace as an extension namespace is effective for the
                    element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute and for all descendants of that
                    element within the same stylesheet module.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:prefix-list
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="extension-element-prefixes" type="xsl:prefix-list">
    <xs:documentation>A namespace is designated as an extension namespace by using an [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute on an element in the stylesheet. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace. The default namespace (as declared by xmlns) may be designated as an extension namespace by including #default in the list of namespace prefixes. The designation of a namespace as an extension namespace is effective for the element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute and for all descendants of that element within the same stylesheet module.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:generic-element-type/@use-when
Namespace No namespace
Any element in the XSLT namespace may have a use-when attribute
                    whose value is an XPath expression that can be evaluated statically. If the
                    attribute is present and the effective boolean valueXP of the expression is
                    false, then the element, together with all the nodes having that element as an
                    ancestor, is effectively excluded from the stylesheet module. When a node is
                    effectively excluded from a stylesheet module the stylesheet module has the same
                    effect as if the node were not there. Among other things this means that no
                    static or dynamic errors will be reported in respect of the element and its
                    contents, other than errors in the use-when attribute itself.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="use-when" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>Any element in the XSLT namespace may have a use-when attribute whose value is an XPath expression that can be evaluated statically. If the attribute is present and the effective boolean valueXP of the expression is false, then the element, together with all the nodes having that element as an ancestor, is effectively excluded from the stylesheet module. When a node is effectively excluded from a stylesheet module the stylesheet module has the same effect as if the node were not there. Among other things this means that no static or dynamic errors will be reported in respect of the element and its contents, other than errors in the use-when attribute itself.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:generic-element-type/@xpath-default-namespace
Namespace No namespace
The attribute [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace may be used on an element in the
                    stylesheet to define the namespace that will be used for an unprefixed element name or type name.
                    The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.
                    If the effective value of the attribute is a zero-length string, which will be the case if it is
                    explicitly set to a zero-length string or if it is not specified at all, then an unprefixed element
                    name or type name refers to a name that is in no namespace.<br/>See more info at
Type xs:anyURI
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="xpath-default-namespace" type="xs:anyURI">
    <xs:documentation>The attribute [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace may be used on an element in the stylesheet to define the namespace that will be used for an unprefixed element name or type name. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace. If the effective value of the attribute is a zero-length string, which will be the case if it is explicitly set to a zero-length string or if it is not specified at all, then an unprefixed element name or type name refers to a name that is in no namespace.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:versioned-element-type/@version
Namespace No namespace
An element enables backwards-compatible behavior for itself, its attributes,
                            its descendants and their attributes if it has an [xsl:]version attribute whose value is
                            less than 2.0. An element enables forwards-compatible behavior for itself, its attributes,
                            its descendants and their attributes if it has an [xsl:]version attribute whose value is
                            greater than 2.0. The compatibility behavior established by an element overrides any
                            compatibility behavior established by an ancestor element. The attribute must be in the XSLT
                            namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.<br/>See more info at
Type xs:decimal
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>An element enables backwards-compatible behavior for itself, its attributes, its descendants and their attributes if it has an [xsl:]version attribute whose value is less than 2.0. An element enables forwards-compatible behavior for itself, its attributes, its descendants and their attributes if it has an [xsl:]version attribute whose value is greater than 2.0. The compatibility behavior established by an element overrides any compatibility behavior established by an ancestor element. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.
      <br/>See more info at and</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@name
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:variable element has a required name attribute, which specifies
                                the name of the variable. The value of the name attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:variable element has a required name attribute, which specifies the name of the variable. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@select
Namespace No namespace
The value of the variable is computed using the expression given in the
                                select attribute or the contained sequence constructor. This value is referred to as the
                                supplied value of the variable. If the xsl:variable element has a select attribute, then
                                the sequence constructor must be empty.
Type xsl:expression
use: optional
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the variable is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor. This value is referred to as the supplied value of the variable. If the xsl:variable element has a select attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@as
Namespace No namespace
If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the variable
                                is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as
                                attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the variable is used directly, and no
                                conversion takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
use: optional
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the variable is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the variable is used directly, and no conversion takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:variable/@as
Namespace No namespace
If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the variable
                                is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as
                                attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the variable is used directly, and no
                                conversion takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
use: optional
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the variable is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the variable is used directly, and no conversion takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:variable/@name
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:variable element has a required name attribute, which specifies
                                the name of the variable. The value of the name attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:variable element has a required name attribute, which specifies the name of the variable. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:variable/@select
Namespace No namespace
The value of the variable is computed using the expression given in the
                                select attribute or the contained sequence constructor. This value is referred to as the
                                supplied value of the variable. If the xsl:variable element has a select attribute, then
                                the sequence constructor must be empty.
Type xsl:expression
use: optional
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the variable is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor. This value is referred to as the supplied value of the variable. If the xsl:variable element has a select attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:analyze-string/@select
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the string input for the xsl:analyze-string instruction as the
                                result of evaluating the expression in this attribute.
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the string input for the xsl:analyze-string instruction as the result of evaluating the expression in this attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:analyze-string/@regex
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the regular expression input for the xsl:analyze-string
                                instruction as the effective value of the this attribute. Because the regex attribute is
                                an attribute value template, curly brackets within the regular expression must be doubled.
Type xsl:avt
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="regex" type="xsl:avt" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the regular expression input for the xsl:analyze-string instruction as the effective value of the this attribute. Because the regex attribute is an attribute value template, curly brackets within the regular expression must be doubled.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:analyze-string/@flags
Namespace No namespace
The flags attribute may be used to control the interpretation of the
                                regular expression.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:avt
Used by
<xs:attribute name="flags" type="xsl:avt" default="">
    <xs:documentation>The flags attribute may be used to control the interpretation of the regular expression.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@tunnel
Namespace No namespace
Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on
                                by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.
                                The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel
                                parameter. The default is no.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
<xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively. The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The default is no.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:with-param/@as
Namespace No namespace
The as attribute specifies the required type of the parameter. If the as
                                attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the parameter is converted to the
                                required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as attribute is omitted, the
                                supplied value of the parameter is used directly, and no conversion takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type">
    <xs:documentation>The as attribute specifies the required type of the parameter. If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the parameter is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the parameter is used directly, and no conversion takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:with-param/@name
Namespace No namespace
The required name attribute specifies the name of the template parameter
                                (the variable the value of whose binding is to be replaced). The value of the name
                                attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The required name attribute specifies the name of the template parameter (the variable the value of whose binding is to be replaced). The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:with-param/@select
Namespace No namespace
Specifies a value for the parameter. The value of the parameter is
                                computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies a value for the parameter. The value of the parameter is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:with-param/@tunnel
Namespace No namespace
Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on
                                by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.
                                The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel
                                parameter. The default is no.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively. The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The default is no.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@lang
Namespace No namespace
The lang attribute indicates that a collation suitable for a particular
                                natural language should be used. The effective value of the attribute must be a value
                                that would be valid for the xml:lang attribute.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:sort
<xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The lang attribute indicates that a collation suitable for a particular natural language should be used. The effective value of the attribute must be a value that would be valid for the xml:lang attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@data-type
Namespace No namespace
For backwards compatibility with XSLT 1.0, the data-type attribute
                                remains available. If this has the effective value text, the atomized sort key values
                                are converted to strings before being compared. If it has the effective value number,
                                the atomized sort key values are converted to doubles before being compared. The
                                conversion is done by using the string FO or number FO function as appropriate. If the
                                data-type attribute has any other effective value, then the value must be a lexical
                                QName with a non-empty prefix, and the effect of the attribute is
Type restriction of xs:string
default: text
enumeration text, number
Used by
Element xsl:sort
<xs:attribute name="data-type" default="text">
    <xs:documentation>For backwards compatibility with XSLT 1.0, the data-type attribute remains available. If this has the effective value text, the atomized sort key values are converted to strings before being compared. If it has the effective value number, the atomized sort key values are converted to doubles before being compared. The conversion is done by using the string FO or number FO function as appropriate. If the data-type attribute has any other effective value, then the value must be a lexical QName with a non-empty prefix, and the effect of the attribute is implementation-defined.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="text"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="number"/>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@order
Namespace No namespace
The order attribute controls the direction of sorting. Possible values
                                are ascending and descending.
Type restriction of xs:string
default: ascending
enumeration ascending, descending
Used by
Element xsl:sort
<xs:attribute name="order" default="ascending">
    <xs:documentation>The order attribute controls the direction of sorting. Possible values are ascending and descending.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="ascending"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="descending"/>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@case-order
Namespace No namespace
The case-order attribute indicates whether the desired collation should
                                sort upper-case letters before lower-case or vice versa. The effective value of the
                                attribute must be either lower-first (indicating that lower-case letters precede
                                upper-case letters in the collating sequence) or upper-first (indicating that upper-case
                                letters precede lower-case).
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:sort
<xs:attribute name="case-order" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The case-order attribute indicates whether the desired collation should sort upper-case letters before lower-case or vice versa. The effective value of the attribute must be either lower-first (indicating that lower-case letters precede upper-case letters in the collating sequence) or upper-first (indicating that upper-case letters precede lower-case).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@collation
Namespace No namespace
If the xsl:sort element has a collation attribute, then the strings are
                                compared according to the rules for the named collation: that is, they are compared
                                using the XPath function call compare($a, $b, $collation).
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Elements xsl:key, xsl:sort
<xs:attribute name="collation" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>If the xsl:sort element has a collation attribute, then the strings are compared according to the rules for the named collation: that is, they are compared using the XPath function call compare($a, $b, $collation).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@stable
Namespace No namespace
The stable attribute is permitted only on the first
                                xsl:sort element within a sort key specification. It is a static
                                error if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of
                                sibling xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute. A sort key
                                specification is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element has
                                no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose effective value
                                is yes.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:sort
<xs:attribute name="stable" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The stable attribute is permitted only on the first xsl:sort element within a sort key specification. It is a static error if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of sibling xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute. A sort key specification is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element has no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose effective value is yes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@case-order
Namespace No namespace
The case-order attribute indicates whether the desired collation should
                                sort upper-case letters before lower-case or vice versa. The effective value of the
                                attribute must be either lower-first (indicating that lower-case letters precede
                                upper-case letters in the collating sequence) or upper-first (indicating that upper-case
                                letters precede lower-case).
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="case-order" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The case-order attribute indicates whether the desired collation should sort upper-case letters before lower-case or vice versa. The effective value of the attribute must be either lower-first (indicating that lower-case letters precede upper-case letters in the collating sequence) or upper-first (indicating that upper-case letters precede lower-case).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@collation
Namespace No namespace
If the xsl:sort element has a collation attribute, then the strings are
                                compared according to the rules for the named collation: that is, they are compared
                                using the XPath function call compare($a, $b, $collation).
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="collation" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>If the xsl:sort element has a collation attribute, then the strings are compared according to the rules for the named collation: that is, they are compared using the XPath function call compare($a, $b, $collation).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@data-type
Namespace No namespace
For backwards compatibility with XSLT 1.0, the data-type attribute
                                remains available. If this has the effective value text, the atomized sort key values
                                are converted to strings before being compared. If it has the effective value number,
                                the atomized sort key values are converted to doubles before being compared. The
                                conversion is done by using the string FO or number FO function as appropriate. If the
                                data-type attribute has any other effective value, then the value must be a lexical
                                QName with a non-empty prefix, and the effect of the attribute is
Type restriction of xs:string
default: text
enumeration text, number
<xs:attribute name="data-type" default="text">
    <xs:documentation>For backwards compatibility with XSLT 1.0, the data-type attribute remains available. If this has the effective value text, the atomized sort key values are converted to strings before being compared. If it has the effective value number, the atomized sort key values are converted to doubles before being compared. The conversion is done by using the string FO or number FO function as appropriate. If the data-type attribute has any other effective value, then the value must be a lexical QName with a non-empty prefix, and the effect of the attribute is implementation-defined.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="text"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="number"/>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@lang
Namespace No namespace
The lang attribute indicates that a collation suitable for a particular
                                natural language should be used. The effective value of the attribute must be a value
                                that would be valid for the xml:lang attribute.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The lang attribute indicates that a collation suitable for a particular natural language should be used. The effective value of the attribute must be a value that would be valid for the xml:lang attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@order
Namespace No namespace
The order attribute controls the direction of sorting. Possible values
                                are ascending and descending.
Type restriction of xs:string
default: ascending
enumeration ascending, descending
<xs:attribute name="order" default="ascending">
    <xs:documentation>The order attribute controls the direction of sorting. Possible values are ascending and descending.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="ascending"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="descending"/>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@select
Namespace No namespace
The value of a sort key component is determined either by its select
                                attribute, or by the contained sequence constructor. If neither is present, the default
                                is select=".", which has the effect of sorting on the actual value of the item if it is
                                an atomic value, or on the typed-value of the item if it is a node. If a select
                                attribute is present, its value must be an XPath expression.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The value of a sort key component is determined either by its select attribute, or by the contained sequence constructor. If neither is present, the default is select=".", which has the effect of sorting on the actual value of the item if it is an atomic value, or on the typed-value of the item if it is a node. If a select attribute is present, its value must be an XPath expression.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sort/@stable
Namespace No namespace
The stable attribute is permitted only on the first
                                xsl:sort element within a sort key specification. It is a static
                                error if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of
                                sibling xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute. A sort key
                                specification is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element has
                                no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose effective value
                                is yes.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="stable" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The stable attribute is permitted only on the first xsl:sort element within a sort key specification. It is a static error if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of sibling xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute. A sort key specification is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element has no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose effective value is yes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:apply-templates/@select
Namespace No namespace
A select attribute can be used to process nodes selected by an expression
                                instead of processing all children. The value of the select attribute is an expression.
                                The expression must evaluate to a sequence of nodes (it can contain zero, one, or more nodes).
Type xsl:expression
default: child::node()
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" default="child::node()">
    <xs:documentation>A select attribute can be used to process nodes selected by an expression instead of processing all children. The value of the select attribute is an expression. The expression must evaluate to a sequence of nodes (it can contain zero, one, or more nodes).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:apply-templates/@mode
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:apply-templates element has an optional mode attribute that
                                identifies the processing mode. The value of this attribute must either be a QName to
                                define the name of a mode, or the token #default, to indicate that the default mode is
                                to be used, or the token #current, to indicate that the current mode is to be used. If
                                the attribute is omitted, the default mode is used. When searching for a template rule
                                to process each node selected by the xsl:apply-templates instruction, only those
                                template rules that are applicable to the selected mode are considered.<br/>See more
                                info at
Type xsl:mode
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="mode" type="xsl:mode">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:apply-templates element has an optional mode attribute that identifies the processing mode. The value of this attribute must either be a QName to define the name of a mode, or the token #default, to indicate that the default mode is to be used, or the token #current, to indicate that the current mode is to be used. If the attribute is omitted, the default mode is used. When searching for a template rule to process each node selected by the xsl:apply-templates instruction, only those template rules that are applicable to the selected mode are considered.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@namespace
Namespace No namespace
The namespace attribute, together with the required name attribute,
                                specifies the expanded-QName of the attribute to be created. If the namespace attribute
                                is not present, then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the
                                namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:attribute element, not including any
                                default namespace declaration. If the namespace attribute is present, then it is
                                interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value should be a URI reference.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The namespace attribute, together with the required name attribute, specifies the expanded-QName of the attribute to be created. If the namespace attribute is not present, then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:attribute element, not including any default namespace declaration. If the namespace attribute is present, then it is interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value should be a URI reference.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@separator
Namespace No namespace
If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute 
                                is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence. In the absence of this attribute, the 
                                default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select 
                                attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence. In the absence of this attribute, the default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional type attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction
                                to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against a type definition in a
                                schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. If
                                the type attribute is present, then the newly constructed attribute is validated against
                                the type definition identified by this attribute. The type and validation attributes are
                                mutually exclusive.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional type attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against a type definition in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. If the type attribute is present, then the newly constructed attribute is validated against the type definition identified by this attribute. The type and validation attributes are mutually exclusive.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional validation attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute
                                instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against attribute
                                declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute
                                node will carry. Possible values are strip, preserve, strict and lax. The type and
                                validation attributes are mutually exclusive.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
Used by
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional validation attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against attribute declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. Possible values are strip, preserve, strict and lax. The type and validation attributes are mutually exclusive.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute/@name
Namespace No namespace
The name attribute, together with the optional namespace attribute,
                                specifies the expanded-QName of the attribute to be created. The name attribute is
                                interpreted as an attribute value template, whose effective value must be a lexical QName.
Type xsl:avt
use: required
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The name attribute, together with the optional namespace attribute, specifies the expanded-QName of the attribute to be created. The name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template, whose effective value must be a lexical QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute/@namespace
Namespace No namespace
The namespace attribute, together with the required name attribute,
                                specifies the expanded-QName of the attribute to be created. If the namespace attribute
                                is not present, then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the
                                namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:attribute element, not including any
                                default namespace declaration. If the namespace attribute is present, then it is
                                interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value should be a URI reference.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The namespace attribute, together with the required name attribute, specifies the expanded-QName of the attribute to be created. If the namespace attribute is not present, then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:attribute element, not including any default namespace declaration. If the namespace attribute is present, then it is interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value should be a URI reference.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute/@select
Namespace No namespace
The string value of the new attribute node may be defined by using the 
                                select attribute.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The string value of the new attribute node may be defined by using the select attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute/@separator
Namespace No namespace
If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute 
                                is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence. In the absence of this attribute, the 
                                default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select 
                                attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence. In the absence of this attribute, the default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional type attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction
                                to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against a type definition in a
                                schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. If
                                the type attribute is present, then the newly constructed attribute is validated against
                                the type definition identified by this attribute. The type and validation attributes are
                                mutually exclusive.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional type attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against a type definition in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. If the type attribute is present, then the newly constructed attribute is validated against the type definition identified by this attribute. The type and validation attributes are mutually exclusive.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional validation attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute
                                instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against attribute
                                declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute
                                node will carry. Possible values are strip, preserve, strict and lax. The type and
                                validation attributes are mutually exclusive.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional validation attribute may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against attribute declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. Possible values are strip, preserve, strict and lax. The type and validation attributes are mutually exclusive.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute-set/@name
Namespace No namespace
The required name attribute specifies the name of the attribute set. The
                                value of the name attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The required name attribute specifies the name of the attribute set. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:attribute-set/@use-attribute-sets
Namespace No namespace
Specifying a use-attribute-sets attribute is broadly equivalent to adding
                                xsl:attribute instructions for each of the attributes in each of the named attribute
                                sets to the beginning of the content of the instruction with the use-attribute-sets
                                attribute, in the same order in which the names of the attribute sets are specified in
                                the use-attribute-sets attribute.
Type xsl:QNames
Used by
<xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default="">
    <xs:documentation>Specifying a use-attribute-sets attribute is broadly equivalent to adding xsl:attribute instructions for each of the attributes in each of the named attribute sets to the beginning of the content of the instruction with the use-attribute-sets attribute, in the same order in which the names of the attribute sets are specified in the use-attribute-sets attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:call-template/@name
Namespace No namespace
The name attribute identifies the template to be invoked.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The name attribute identifies the template to be invoked.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output-character/@character
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the character to be mapped.
Type xsl:char
use: required
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="character" type="xsl:char" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the character to be mapped.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output-character/@string
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the string that will replace the mapped character.
Type xs:string
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="string" type="xs:string" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the string that will replace the mapped character.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:character-map/@name
Namespace No namespace
The required name attribute provides a name for the character map.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The required name attribute provides a name for the character map.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:character-map/@use-character-maps
Namespace No namespace
Specifies further character maps references. The character maps referenced
                                in a single use-character-maps attribute are considered in the order in which they are
                                listed. The expansion is depth-first: each referenced character map is fully expanded
                                before the next one is considered.
Type xsl:QNames
Used by
<xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames" default="">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies further character maps references. The character maps referenced in a single use-character-maps attribute are considered in the order in which they are listed. The expansion is depth-first: each referenced character map is fully expanded before the next one is considered.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@test
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the test expression.
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
Used by
Elements xsl:if, xsl:when
<xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the test expression.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:when/@test
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the test expression.
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the test expression.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:comment/@select
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the string value of the new comment node.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the string value of the new comment node.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@copy-namespaces
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:copy instruction has an optional copy-namespaces attribute, with
                                the value yes or no. The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying
                                element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then all the namespace nodes
                                of the source element are copied as namespace nodes for the result element. If the value
                                is set to no, then the namespace nodes are not copied. However, namespace nodes will
                                still be added to the result element as required by the namespace fixup process.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:copy
<xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:copy instruction has an optional copy-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then all the namespace nodes of the source element are copied as namespace nodes for the result element. If the value is set to no, then the namespace nodes are not copied. However, namespace nodes will still be added to the result element as required by the namespace fixup process.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@inherit-namespaces
Namespace No namespace
The default value is yes. The attribute is used only
                                when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is
                                omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed
                                element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or
                                generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children
                                and descendants of the newly constructed element. If the value is
                                set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied
                                to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such
                                as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="")
                                appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Elements xsl:copy, xsl:element
<xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element. If the value is set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="") appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is serialized.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@use-attribute-sets
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:copy instruction has an optional use-attribute-sets attribute,
                                whose value is a space-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set
                                declarations. This attribute is used only when copying element nodes. This list is
                                expanded to produce a sequence of attribute nodes.
Type xsl:QNames
Used by
Elements xsl:copy, xsl:element
<xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default="">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:copy instruction has an optional use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a space-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set declarations. This attribute is used only when copying element nodes. This list is expanded to produce a sequence of attribute nodes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy/@copy-namespaces
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:copy instruction has an optional copy-namespaces attribute, with
                                the value yes or no. The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying
                                element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then all the namespace nodes
                                of the source element are copied as namespace nodes for the result element. If the value
                                is set to no, then the namespace nodes are not copied. However, namespace nodes will
                                still be added to the result element as required by the namespace fixup process.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:copy instruction has an optional copy-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then all the namespace nodes of the source element are copied as namespace nodes for the result element. If the value is set to no, then the namespace nodes are not copied. However, namespace nodes will still be added to the result element as required by the namespace fixup process.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy/@inherit-namespaces
Namespace No namespace
The default value is yes. The attribute is used only
                                when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is
                                omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed
                                element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or
                                generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children
                                and descendants of the newly constructed element. If the value is
                                set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied
                                to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such
                                as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="")
                                appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element. If the value is set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="") appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is serialized.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy
                                instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a
                                type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema, and thus to
                                determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will
                                carry. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element,
                                attribute or document node. When the node being copied is an element or document node,
                                these attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes
                                that have the copied element or document node as an ancestor. These two attributes are
                                both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.<br/>See more
                                info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema, and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or document node. When the node being copied is an element or document node, these attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the copied element or document node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy/@use-attribute-sets
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:copy instruction has an optional use-attribute-sets attribute,
                                whose value is a space-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set
                                declarations. This attribute is used only when copying element nodes. This list is
                                expanded to produce a sequence of attribute nodes.
Type xsl:QNames
<xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default="">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:copy instruction has an optional use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a space-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set declarations. This attribute is used only when copying element nodes. This list is expanded to produce a sequence of attribute nodes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy
                                instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a
                                type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema, and thus to
                                determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will
                                carry. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element,
                                attribute or document node. When the node being copied is an element or document node,
                                these attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes
                                that have the copied element or document node as an ancestor. These two attributes are
                                both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.<br/>See more
                                info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema, and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or document node. When the node being copied is an element or document node, these attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the copied element or document node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy-of/@select
Namespace No namespace
The required select attribute contains an expression, whose value may be
                                any sequence of nodes and atomic values.
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:copy-of
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The required select attribute contains an expression, whose value may be any sequence of nodes and atomic values.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy-of/@copy-namespaces
Namespace No namespace
When using xsl:copy-of the new elements will also have namespace nodes
                                copied from the original element node, unless they are excluded by specifying
                                copy-namespaces="no". If this attribute is omitted, or takes the value yes, then all the
                                namespace nodes of the original element are copied to the new element. If it takes the
                                value no, then none of the namespace nodes are copied: however, namespace nodes will
                                still be created in the result tree as required by the namespace fixup process.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:copy-of
<xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>When using xsl:copy-of the new elements will also have namespace nodes copied from the original element node, unless they are excluded by specifying copy-namespaces="no". If this attribute is omitted, or takes the value yes, then all the namespace nodes of the original element are copied to the new element. If it takes the value no, then none of the namespace nodes are copied: however, namespace nodes will still be created in the result tree as required by the namespace fixup process.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy-of/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the
                                xsl:copy-of instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document
                                node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a
                                schema and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or
                                attribute node will carry. These attributes are applied individually to each element,
                                attribute, and document node that is selected by the expression in the select attribute.
                                These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or
                                document node. The specified type and validation apply directly only to elements,
                                attributes and document nodes created as copies of nodes actually selected by the select
                                expression, they do not apply to nodes that are implicitly copied because they have
                                selected nodes as an ancestor. However, these attributes do indirectly affect the type
                                annotation carried by such implicitly copied nodes, as a consequence of the validation
                                process. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other
                                must be omitted.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
Element xsl:copy-of
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy-of instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry. These attributes are applied individually to each element, attribute, and document node that is selected by the expression in the select attribute. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or document node. The specified type and validation apply directly only to elements, attributes and document nodes created as copies of nodes actually selected by the select expression, they do not apply to nodes that are implicitly copied because they have selected nodes as an ancestor. However, these attributes do indirectly affect the type annotation carried by such implicitly copied nodes, as a consequence of the validation process. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:copy-of/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the
                                xsl:copy-of instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document
                                node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a
                                schema and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or
                                attribute node will carry. These attributes are applied individually to each element,
                                attribute, and document node that is selected by the expression in the select attribute.
                                These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or
                                document node. The specified type and validation apply directly only to elements,
                                attributes and document nodes created as copies of nodes actually selected by the select
                                expression, they do not apply to nodes that are implicitly copied because they have
                                selected nodes as an ancestor. However, these attributes do indirectly affect the type
                                annotation carried by such implicitly copied nodes, as a consequence of the validation
                                process. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other
                                must be omitted.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
Used by
Element xsl:copy-of
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy-of instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry. These attributes are applied individually to each element, attribute, and document node that is selected by the expression in the select attribute. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or document node. The specified type and validation apply directly only to elements, attributes and document nodes created as copies of nodes actually selected by the select expression, they do not apply to nodes that are implicitly copied because they have selected nodes as an ancestor. However, these attributes do indirectly affect the type annotation carried by such implicitly copied nodes, as a consequence of the validation process. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@name
Namespace No namespace
If there is a name attribute, then the element declares a named
                                decimal-format; otherwise, it declares the default decimal-format. The value of the name
                                attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>If there is a name attribute, then the element declares a named decimal-format; otherwise, it declares the default decimal-format. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@decimal-separator
Namespace No namespace
The decimal-separator attribute specifies the character used for the
                                decimal-separator-sign; the default value is the period character (.).
Type xsl:char
default: .
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="decimal-separator" type="xsl:char" default=".">
    <xs:documentation>The decimal-separator attribute specifies the character used for the decimal-separator-sign; the default value is the period character (.).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@grouping-separator
Namespace No namespace
The grouping-separator attribute specifies the character used for the
                                grouping-sign, which is typically used as a thousands separator; the default value is
                                the comma character (,).
Type xsl:char
default: ,
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="grouping-separator" type="xsl:char" default=",">
    <xs:documentation>The grouping-separator attribute specifies the character used for the grouping-sign, which is typically used as a thousands separator; the default value is the comma character (,).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@infinity
Namespace No namespace
The infinity attribute specifies the string used for the infinity-symbol;
                                the default value is the string Infinity.
Type xs:string
default: Infinity
Used by
<xs:attribute name="infinity" type="xs:string" default="Infinity">
    <xs:documentation>The infinity attribute specifies the string used for the infinity-symbol; the default value is the string Infinity.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@minus-sign
Namespace No namespace
The minus-sign attribute specifies the character used for the
                                minus-symbol; the default value is the hyphen-minus character (-, #x2D). The value must
                                be a single character.
Type xsl:char
default: -
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="minus-sign" type="xsl:char" default="-">
    <xs:documentation>The minus-sign attribute specifies the character used for the minus-symbol; the default value is the hyphen-minus character (-, #x2D). The value must be a single character.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@NaN
Namespace No namespace
The NaN attribute specifies the string used for the NaN-symbol, which is
                                used to represent the value NaN (not-a-number); the default value is the string NaN.
Type xs:string
default: NaN
Used by
<xs:attribute name="NaN" type="xs:string" default="NaN">
    <xs:documentation>The NaN attribute specifies the string used for the NaN-symbol, which is used to represent the value NaN (not-a-number); the default value is the string NaN.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@percent
Namespace No namespace
The percent attribyte specifies the character used for the percent-sign;
                                the default value is the percent character (%).
Type xsl:char
default: %
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="percent" type="xsl:char" default="%">
    <xs:documentation>The percent attribyte specifies the character used for the percent-sign; the default value is the percent character (%).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@per-mille
Namespace No namespace
The per-mille attribute specifies the character used for the
                                per-mille-sign; the default value is the Unicode per-mille character (#x2030).
Type xsl:char
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="per-mille" type="xsl:char" default="‰">
    <xs:documentation>The per-mille attribute specifies the character used for the per-mille-sign; the default value is the Unicode per-mille character (#x2030).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@zero-digit
Namespace No namespace
The zero-digit attribute specifies the character used for the
                                digit-zero-sign; the default value is the digit zero (0). This character must be a digit
                                (category Nd in the Unicode property database), and it must have the numeric value zero.
                                This attribute implicitly defines the Unicode character that is used to represent each
                                of the values 0 to 9 in the final result string: Unicode is organized so that each set
                                of decimal digits forms a contiguous block of characters in numerical sequence.
Type xsl:char
default: 0
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="zero-digit" type="xsl:char" default="0">
    <xs:documentation>The zero-digit attribute specifies the character used for the digit-zero-sign; the default value is the digit zero (0). This character must be a digit (category Nd in the Unicode property database), and it must have the numeric value zero. This attribute implicitly defines the Unicode character that is used to represent each of the values 0 to 9 in the final result string: Unicode is organized so that each set of decimal digits forms a contiguous block of characters in numerical sequence.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@digit
Namespace No namespace
The digit attribute specifies the character used for the digit-sign in
                                the picture string; the default value is the number sign character (#).
Type xsl:char
default: #
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="digit" type="xsl:char" default="#">
    <xs:documentation>The digit attribute specifies the character used for the digit-sign in the picture string; the default value is the number sign character (#).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:decimal-format/@pattern-separator
Namespace No namespace
The pattern-separator attribute specifies the character used for the
                                pattern-separator-sign, which separates positive and negative sub-pictures in a picture
                                string; the default value is the semi-colon character (;).
Type xsl:char
default: ;
length 1
Used by
<xs:attribute name="pattern-separator" type="xsl:char" default=";">
    <xs:documentation>The pattern-separator attribute specifies the character used for the pattern-separator-sign, which separates positive and negative sub-pictures in a picture string; the default value is the semi-colon character (;).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:document/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional attribute type may be used on the
                                xsl:document instruction to determine the type annotation that
                                elements and attributes within the result tree will carry.<br/>See
                                more info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attribute type may be used on the xsl:document instruction to determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the result tree will carry.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:document/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional attribute validation may be used on the
                                xsl:document instruction to validate the contents of the new
                                document<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attribute validation may be used on the xsl:document instruction to validate the contents of the new document
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:element/@inherit-namespaces
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:element instruction has an optional
                                inherit-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default
                                value is yes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the
                                namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether
                                these were copied from those of the source node, or generated as a
                                result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children and
                                descendants of the newly constructed element. If the value is set to
                                no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the
                                children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as
                                xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="")
                                appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:element instruction has an optional inherit-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element. If the value is set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="") appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is serialized.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:element/@name
Namespace No namespace
The name attribute, together with the optional namespace attribute,
                                specifies the expanded-QName of the element to be created. The name attribute is
                                interpreted as an attribute value template, whose effective value must be a lexical QName.
Type xsl:avt
use: required
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The name attribute, together with the optional namespace attribute, specifies the expanded-QName of the element to be created. The name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template, whose effective value must be a lexical QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:element/@namespace
Namespace No namespace
The namespace attribute, together with the required name attribute,
                                specifies the expanded-QName of the element to be created. If the namespace attribute is
                                not present then the QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the namespace
                                declarations in effect for the xsl:element element, including any default namespace
                                declaration. If the namespace attribute is present, then it is interpreted as an
                                attribute value template. The effective value should be a URI reference.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The namespace attribute, together with the required name attribute, specifies the expanded-QName of the element to be created. If the namespace attribute is not present then the QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:element element, including any default namespace declaration. If the namespace attribute is present, then it is interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value should be a URI reference.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:element/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the
                                xsl:element instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the element against a
                                type definition or element declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation
                                that the new element node will carry. These attributes also affect the type annotation
                                carried by any elements and attributes that have the new element node as an ancestor.
                                These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be
                                omitted.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:element instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the element against a type definition or element declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new element node will carry. These attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the new element node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:element/@use-attribute-sets
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:element element may have a use-attribute-sets attribute, whose
                                value is a space-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set declarations.
                                If this attribute is present, it is expanded to produce a sequence of attribute nodes.
Type xsl:QNames
<xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default="">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:element element may have a use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a space-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set declarations. If this attribute is present, it is expanded to produce a sequence of attribute nodes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:element/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the
                                xsl:element instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the element against a
                                type definition or element declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation
                                that the new element node will carry. These attributes also affect the type annotation
                                carried by any elements and attributes that have the new element node as an ancestor.
                                These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be
                                omitted.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:element instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the element against a type definition or element declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new element node will carry. These attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the new element node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each/@select
Namespace No namespace
The select attribute is required, and the expression must evaluate to a
                                sequence, called the input sequence. If there is an xsl:sort element present the input
                                sequence is sorted to produce a sorted sequence.
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:for-each
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The select attribute is required, and the expression must evaluate to a sequence, called the input sequence. If there is an xsl:sort element present the input sequence is sorted to produce a sorted sequence.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each-group/@select
Namespace No namespace
The sequence of items to be grouped, which is referred to as the
                                population, is determined by evaluating the XPath expression contained in the select
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The sequence of items to be grouped, which is referred to as the population, is determined by evaluating the XPath expression contained in the select attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each-group/@group-by
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-by attribute is
                                present, the items in the population are examined, in population order. For each item J,
                                the expression in the group-by attribute is evaluated to produce a sequence of zero or
                                more grouping key values. For each one of these grouping keys, if there is already a
                                group created to hold items having that grouping key value, J is added to that group;
                                otherwise a new group is created for items with that grouping key value, and J becomes
                                its first member. An item in the population may thus be assigned to zero, one, or many
                                groups. An item will never be assigned more than once to the same group; if two or more
                                grouping keys for the same item are equal, then the duplicates are ignored. An item here
                                means the item at a particular position within the population - if the population
                                contains the same node at several different positions in the sequence then a group may
                                indeed contain duplicate nodes. The number of groups will be the same as the number of
                                distinct grouping key values present in the population.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="group-by" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-by attribute is present, the items in the population are examined, in population order. For each item J, the expression in the group-by attribute is evaluated to produce a sequence of zero or more grouping key values. For each one of these grouping keys, if there is already a group created to hold items having that grouping key value, J is added to that group; otherwise a new group is created for items with that grouping key value, and J becomes its first member. An item in the population may thus be assigned to zero, one, or many groups. An item will never be assigned more than once to the same group; if two or more grouping keys for the same item are equal, then the duplicates are ignored. An item here means the item at a particular position within the population - if the population contains the same node at several different positions in the sequence then a group may indeed contain duplicate nodes. The number of groups will be the same as the number of distinct grouping key values present in the population.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each-group/@group-adjacent
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-adjacent
                                attribute is present, the items in the population are examined, in population order. If
                                an item has the same value for the grouping key as its preceding item within the
                                population (in population order), then it is assigned to the same group as its preceding
                                item; otherwise a new group is created and the item becomes its first member.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="group-adjacent" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-adjacent attribute is present, the items in the population are examined, in population order. If an item has the same value for the grouping key as its preceding item within the population (in population order), then it is assigned to the same group as its preceding item; otherwise a new group is created and the item becomes its first member.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each-group/@group-starting-with
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-starting-with
                                attribute is present, then its value must be a pattern. In this case, the items in the
                                population must all be nodes. The nodes in the population are examined in population
                                order. If a node matches the pattern, or is the first node in the population, then a new
                                group is created and the node becomes its first member. Otherwise, the node is assigned
                                to the same group as its preceding node within the population.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="group-starting-with" type="xsl:pattern">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-starting-with attribute is present, then its value must be a pattern. In this case, the items in the population must all be nodes. The nodes in the population are examined in population order. If a node matches the pattern, or is the first node in the population, then a new group is created and the node becomes its first member. Otherwise, the node is assigned to the same group as its preceding node within the population.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each-group/@group-ending-with
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-ending-with
                                attribute is present, then its value must be a pattern. In this case, the items in the
                                population must all be nodes. The nodes in the population are examined in population
                                order. If a node is the first node in the population, or if the previous node in the
                                population matches the pattern, then a new group is created and the node becomes its
                                first member. Otherwise, the node is assigned to the same group as its preceding node
                                within the population.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="group-ending-with" type="xsl:pattern">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the assignment of items to groups. If the group-ending-with attribute is present, then its value must be a pattern. In this case, the items in the population must all be nodes. The nodes in the population are examined in population order. If a node is the first node in the population, or if the previous node in the population matches the pattern, then a new group is created and the node becomes its first member. Otherwise, the node is assigned to the same group as its preceding node within the population.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:for-each-group/@collation
Namespace No namespace
If the grouping keys values are strings, or untyped atomic values, they
                                are compared using the collation specified in the collation attribute if present, or the
                                default collation otherwise.
Type xs:anyURI
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="collation" type="xs:anyURI">
    <xs:documentation>If the grouping keys values are strings, or untyped atomic values, they are compared using the collation specified in the collation attribute if present, or the default collation otherwise.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@required
Namespace No namespace
The optional required attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter
                                is mandatory. This attribute may be specified for stylesheet parameters and for template
                                parameters; it must not be specified for function parameters, which are always
                                mandatory. A parameter is mandatory if it is a function parameter or if the required
                                attribute is present and has the value yes. Otherwise, the parameter is optional. If the
                                parameter is mandatory, then the xsl:param element must be empty and must not have a
                                select attribute.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:param
<xs:attribute name="required" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The optional required attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is mandatory. This attribute may be specified for stylesheet parameters and for template parameters; it must not be specified for function parameters, which are always mandatory. A parameter is mandatory if it is a function parameter or if the required attribute is present and has the value yes. Otherwise, the parameter is optional. If the parameter is mandatory, then the xsl:param element must be empty and must not have a select attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:param/@as
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:param element has an optional as attribute, which specifies the
                                required type of the parameter. If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied
                                value of the parameter is converted to the required type, using the function conversion
                                rules. If the as attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the parameter is used
                                directly, and no conversion takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:param element has an optional as attribute, which specifies the required type of the parameter. If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the parameter is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. If the as attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the parameter is used directly, and no conversion takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:param/@name
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:param element has a required name attribute, which specifies the
                                name of the parameter. The value of the name attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:param element has a required name attribute, which specifies the name of the parameter. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:param/@required
Namespace No namespace
The optional required attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter
                                is mandatory. This attribute may be specified for stylesheet parameters and for template
                                parameters; it must not be specified for function parameters, which are always
                                mandatory. A parameter is mandatory if it is a function parameter or if the required
                                attribute is present and has the value yes. Otherwise, the parameter is optional. If the
                                parameter is mandatory, then the xsl:param element must be empty and must not have a
                                select attribute.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="required" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The optional required attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is mandatory. This attribute may be specified for stylesheet parameters and for template parameters; it must not be specified for function parameters, which are always mandatory. A parameter is mandatory if it is a function parameter or if the required attribute is present and has the value yes. Otherwise, the parameter is optional. If the parameter is mandatory, then the xsl:param element must be empty and must not have a select attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:param/@select
Namespace No namespace
The supplied value of the parameter is the value supplied by the caller.
                                If no value was supplied by the caller, and if the parameter is not mandatory, then the
                                supplied value is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the
                                contained sequence constructor. If the xsl:param element has a select attribute, then
                                the sequence constructor must be empty.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The supplied value of the parameter is the value supplied by the caller. If no value was supplied by the caller, and if the parameter is not mandatory, then the supplied value is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor. If the xsl:param element has a select attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:param/@tunnel
Namespace No namespace
Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on
                                by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.
                                The tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The
                                default is no; the value yes may be specified only for template parameters.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively. The tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The default is no; the value yes may be specified only for template parameters.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:function/@name
Namespace No namespace
The name attribute specifies the name of the function. The value of the
                                name attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
Element xsl:function
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The name attribute specifies the name of the function. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:function/@override
Namespace No namespace
The optional override attribute defines what happens if this function has
                                the same name and arity as a function provided by the implementer or made available in
                                the static context using an implementation-defined mechanism. If the override attribute
                                has the value yes, then this function is used in preference; if it has the value no,
                                then the other function is used in preference. The default value is yes. Specifying
                                override="yes" ensures interoperable behavior: the same code will execute with all
                                processors. Specifying override="no" is useful when writing a fallback implementation of
                                a function that is available with some processors but not others: it allows the vendor's
                                implementation of the function to be used in preference to the stylesheet
                                implementation, which is useful when the vendor's implementation is more efficient.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: yes
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:function
<xs:attribute name="override" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes">
    <xs:documentation>The optional override attribute defines what happens if this function has the same name and arity as a function provided by the implementer or made available in the static context using an implementation-defined mechanism. If the override attribute has the value yes, then this function is used in preference; if it has the value no, then the other function is used in preference. The default value is yes. Specifying override="yes" ensures interoperable behavior: the same code will execute with all processors. Specifying override="no" is useful when writing a fallback implementation of a function that is available with some processors but not others: it allows the vendor's implementation of the function to be used in preference to the stylesheet implementation, which is useful when the vendor's implementation is more efficient.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:function/@as
Namespace No namespace
The optional as attribute indicates the required type of the result of
                                the function. If the as attribute is specified, then the result is converted to the
                                required type, using the function conversion rules. It is a type error if this
                                conversion fails. If the as attribute is omitted, the calculated result is used as
                                supplied, and no conversion takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
default: item()*
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:function
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" default="item()*">
    <xs:documentation>The optional as attribute indicates the required type of the result of the function. If the as attribute is specified, then the result is converted to the required type, using the function conversion rules. It is a type error if this conversion fails. If the as attribute is omitted, the calculated result is used as supplied, and no conversion takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:if/@test
Namespace No namespace
The test attribute specifies the test expression.
Type xsl:expression
use: required
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The test attribute specifies the test expression.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:import/@href
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:import declaration has a required href attribute whose value is a
                                URI reference identifying the stylesheet module to be included.
Type xs:anyURI
use: required
Used by
Element xsl:import
<xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:import declaration has a required href attribute whose value is a URI reference identifying the stylesheet module to be included.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:import-schema/@namespace
Namespace No namespace
The namespace attribute indicates that a schema for the given namespace
                                is required by the stylesheet. This information may be enough on its own to enable an
                                implementation to locate the required schema components. The namespace attribute may be
                                omitted to indicate that a schema for names in no namespace is being imported. The
                                zero-length string is not a valid namespace URI, and is therefore not a valid value for
                                the namespace attribute.
Type xs:anyURI
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xs:anyURI">
    <xs:documentation>The namespace attribute indicates that a schema for the given namespace is required by the stylesheet. This information may be enough on its own to enable an implementation to locate the required schema components. The namespace attribute may be omitted to indicate that a schema for names in no namespace is being imported. The zero-length string is not a valid namespace URI, and is therefore not a valid value for the namespace attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:import-schema/@schema-location
Namespace No namespace
The schema-location attribute gives a hint indicating where a schema
                                document or other resource containing the required definitions may be found. It is
                                likely that a schema-aware XSLT processor will be able to process a schema document
                                found at this location.
Type xs:anyURI
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="schema-location" type="xs:anyURI">
    <xs:documentation>The schema-location attribute gives a hint indicating where a schema document or other resource containing the required definitions may be found. It is likely that a schema-aware XSLT processor will be able to process a schema document found at this location.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:include/@href
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:include declaration has a required href attribute whose value is
                                a URI reference identifying the stylesheet module to be included.
Type xs:anyURI
use: required
Used by
Element xsl:include
<xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:include declaration has a required href attribute whose value is a URI reference identifying the stylesheet module to be included.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@match
Namespace No namespace
The match attribute is a Pattern; an xsl:key element applies to all nodes
                                that match the pattern specified in the match attribute.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
use: required
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:key
<xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The match attribute is a Pattern; an xsl:key element applies to all nodes that match the pattern specified in the match attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@use
Namespace No namespace
The value of the key may be specified either using the use attribute or
                                by means of the contained sequence constructor.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:key
<xs:attribute name="use" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the key may be specified either using the use attribute or by means of the contained sequence constructor.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:key/@collation
Namespace No namespace
The optional collation attribute is used only when deciding whether two
                                strings are equal for the purposes of key matching. If an xsl:key declaration specifies
                                a collation attribute, then every other xsl:key declaration with the same value for its
                                name attribute must either specify the same collation, or specify no collation; this
                                collation is used for all xsl:key declarations with the given name. In the absence of a
                                collation attribute, the default collation is used.
Type xs:anyURI
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="collation" type="xs:anyURI">
    <xs:documentation>The optional collation attribute is used only when deciding whether two strings are equal for the purposes of key matching. If an xsl:key declaration specifies a collation attribute, then every other xsl:key declaration with the same value for its name attribute must either specify the same collation, or specify no collation; this collation is used for all xsl:key declarations with the given name. In the absence of a collation attribute, the default collation is used.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:key/@match
Namespace No namespace
The match attribute is a Pattern; an xsl:key element applies to all nodes
                                that match the pattern specified in the match attribute.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
use: required
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The match attribute is a Pattern; an xsl:key element applies to all nodes that match the pattern specified in the match attribute.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:key/@name
Namespace No namespace
The name attribute specifies the name of the key. The value of the name
                                attribute is a QName.
Type xsl:QName
use: required
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The name attribute specifies the name of the key. The value of the name attribute is a QName.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:key/@use
Namespace No namespace
The value of the key may be specified either using the use attribute or
                                by means of the contained sequence constructor.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="use" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the key may be specified either using the use attribute or by means of the contained sequence constructor.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@terminate
Namespace No namespace
The terminate attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If
                                the effective value of the terminate attribute is yes, then the processor must terminate
                                processing after sending the message. The default value is no. Note that because the
                                order of evaluation of instructions is implementation-dependent, this gives no guarantee
                                that any particular instruction will or will not be evaluated before processing
Type xsl:avt
default: no
Used by
Element xsl:message
<xs:attribute name="terminate" type="xsl:avt" default="no">
    <xs:documentation>The terminate attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If the effective value of the terminate attribute is yes, then the processor must terminate processing after sending the message. The default value is no. Note that because the order of evaluation of instructions is implementation-dependent, this gives no guarantee that any particular instruction will or will not be evaluated before processing terminates.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:message/@select
Namespace No namespace
If the xsl:message instruction has a select attribute, then the value of
                                the attribute must be an XPath expression. The content of the message may be specified
                                by using either or both of the optional select attribute and the sequence constructor
                                that forms the content of the xsl:message instruction.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>If the xsl:message instruction has a select attribute, then the value of the attribute must be an XPath expression. The content of the message may be specified by using either or both of the optional select attribute and the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:message instruction.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:message/@terminate
Namespace No namespace
The terminate attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If
                                the effective value of the terminate attribute is yes, then the processor must terminate
                                processing after sending the message. The default value is no. Note that because the
                                order of evaluation of instructions is implementation-dependent, this gives no guarantee
                                that any particular instruction will or will not be evaluated before processing
Type xsl:avt
default: no
<xs:attribute name="terminate" type="xsl:avt" default="no">
    <xs:documentation>The terminate attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If the effective value of the terminate attribute is yes, then the processor must terminate processing after sending the message. The default value is no. Note that because the order of evaluation of instructions is implementation-dependent, this gives no guarantee that any particular instruction will or will not be evaluated before processing terminates.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:namespace/@name
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:namespace element has a required name attribute that specifies
                                the name of the namespace node (that is, the namespace prefix). The value of the name
                                attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If the effective value of the
                                name attribute is a zero-length string, a namespace node is added for the default
Type xsl:avt
use: required
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:namespace element has a required name attribute that specifies the name of the namespace node (that is, the namespace prefix). The value of the name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If the effective value of the name attribute is a zero-length string, a namespace node is added for the default namespace.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:namespace/@select
Namespace No namespace
The string value of the new namespace node (that is, the namespace URI)
                                may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that
                                forms the content of the xsl:namespace element. These are mutually exclusive.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The string value of the new namespace node (that is, the namespace URI) may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:namespace element. These are mutually exclusive.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:namespace-alias/@stylesheet-prefix
Namespace No namespace
The stylesheet-prefix attribute specifies the namespace URI that will
                                appear in the stylesheet.
Type xsl:prefix-or-default
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="stylesheet-prefix" type="xsl:prefix-or-default" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The stylesheet-prefix attribute specifies the namespace URI that will appear in the stylesheet.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:namespace-alias/@result-prefix
Namespace No namespace
The result-prefix attribute specifies the corresponding namespace URI
                                that will appear in the result tree.
Type xsl:prefix-or-default
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="result-prefix" type="xsl:prefix-or-default" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The result-prefix attribute specifies the corresponding namespace URI that will appear in the result tree.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@value
Namespace No namespace
The place marker to be formatted may be specified by an expression
                                contained in the value attribute. If no value attribute is specified, then the
                                xsl:number instruction returns a new text node containing a formatted place marker that
                                is based on the position of a selected node within its containing document.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The place marker to be formatted may be specified by an expression contained in the value attribute. If no value attribute is specified, then the xsl:number instruction returns a new text node containing a formatted place marker that is based on the position of a selected node within its containing document.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@select
Namespace No namespace
If the select attribute is present, then the expression contained in the
                                select attribute is evaluated to determine the selected node. If the select attribute is
                                omitted, then the selected node is the context node.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>If the select attribute is present, then the expression contained in the select attribute is evaluated to determine the selected node. If the select attribute is omitted, then the selected node is the context node.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@level
Namespace No namespace
The level attribute specifies rules for selecting the nodes that are
                                taken into account in allocating a number; it has the values single, multiple or any.
                                The default is single.
Type xsl:level
default: single
enumeration single, multiple, any
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xsl:level" default="single">
    <xs:documentation>The level attribute specifies rules for selecting the nodes that are taken into account in allocating a number; it has the values single, multiple or any. The default is single.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@count
Namespace No namespace
The count attribute is a pattern that specifies which nodes are to be
                                counted at those levels. If count attribute is not specified, then it defaults to the
                                pattern that matches any node with the same node kind as the selected node and, if the
                                selected node has an expanded-QName, with the same expanded-QName as the selected node.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="count" type="xsl:pattern">
    <xs:documentation>The count attribute is a pattern that specifies which nodes are to be counted at those levels. If count attribute is not specified, then it defaults to the pattern that matches any node with the same node kind as the selected node and, if the selected node has an expanded-QName, with the same expanded-QName as the selected node.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@from
Namespace No namespace
The from attribute is a pattern that specifies where counting starts.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="from" type="xsl:pattern">
    <xs:documentation>The from attribute is a pattern that specifies where counting starts.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@format
Namespace No namespace
The format attribute controls conversion of a sequence of numbers into a
                                string. The numbers are integers greater than 0. The default value for the format
                                attribute is 1. The format attribute is split into a sequence of tokens where each token
                                is a maximal sequence of alphanumeric characters or a maximal sequence of
                                non-alphanumeric characters. The alphanumeric tokens (format tokens) indicate the format
                                to be used for each number in the sequence; in most cases the format token is the same
                                as the required representation of the number 1 (one). If the first token is a
                                non-alphanumeric token, then the constructed string will start with that token; if the
                                last token is non-alphanumeric token, then the constructed string will end with that
                                token. Non-alphanumeric tokens that occur between two format tokens are separator tokens
                                that are used to join numbers in the sequence.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:avt
default: 1
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:avt" default="1">
    <xs:documentation>The format attribute controls conversion of a sequence of numbers into a string. The numbers are integers greater than 0. The default value for the format attribute is 1. The format attribute is split into a sequence of tokens where each token is a maximal sequence of alphanumeric characters or a maximal sequence of non-alphanumeric characters. The alphanumeric tokens (format tokens) indicate the format to be used for each number in the sequence; in most cases the format token is the same as the required representation of the number 1 (one). If the first token is a non-alphanumeric token, then the constructed string will start with that token; if the last token is non-alphanumeric token, then the constructed string will end with that token. Non-alphanumeric tokens that occur between two format tokens are separator tokens that are used to join numbers in the sequence.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@lang
Namespace No namespace
Many numbering sequences are language-sensitive. In such cases, the lang
                                attribute specifies which language's conventions are to be used; it has the same range
                                of values as xml:lang. If no lang value is specified, the language that is used is
                                implementation-defined. The set of languages for which numbering is supported is
                                implementation-defined. If a language is requested that is not supported, the processor
                                uses the language that it would use if the lang attribute were omitted.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>Many numbering sequences are language-sensitive. In such cases, the lang attribute specifies which language's conventions are to be used; it has the same range of values as xml:lang. If no lang value is specified, the language that is used is implementation-defined. The set of languages for which numbering is supported is implementation-defined. If a language is requested that is not supported, the processor uses the language that it would use if the lang attribute were omitted.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@letter-value
Namespace No namespace
The letter-value attribute disambiguates between numbering sequences that
                                use letters. In many languages there are two commonly used numbering sequences that use
                                letters. One numbering sequence assigns numeric values to letters in alphabetic
                                sequence, and the other assigns numeric values to each letter in some other manner
                                traditional in that language. In English, these would correspond to the numbering
                                sequences specified by the format tokens a and i. In some languages, the first member of
                                each sequence is the same, and so the format token alone would be ambiguous. A value of
                                alphabetic specifies the alphabetic sequence; a value of traditional specifies the other
                                sequence. If the letter-value attribute is not specified, then it is
                                implementation-dependent how any ambiguity is resolved.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="letter-value" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The letter-value attribute disambiguates between numbering sequences that use letters. In many languages there are two commonly used numbering sequences that use letters. One numbering sequence assigns numeric values to letters in alphabetic sequence, and the other assigns numeric values to each letter in some other manner traditional in that language. In English, these would correspond to the numbering sequences specified by the format tokens a and i. In some languages, the first member of each sequence is the same, and so the format token alone would be ambiguous. A value of alphabetic specifies the alphabetic sequence; a value of traditional specifies the other sequence. If the letter-value attribute is not specified, then it is implementation-dependent how any ambiguity is resolved.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@ordinal
Namespace No namespace
If the optional ordinal attribute is present, and if its value is not a
                                zero-length string, this indicates a request to output ordinal numbers rather than
                                cardinal numbers.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="ordinal" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>If the optional ordinal attribute is present, and if its value is not a zero-length string, this indicates a request to output ordinal numbers rather than cardinal numbers.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@grouping-separator
Namespace No namespace
The grouping-separator attribute gives the separator used as a grouping
                                (for example, thousands) separator in decimal numbering sequence.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="grouping-separator" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The grouping-separator attribute gives the separator used as a grouping (for example, thousands) separator in decimal numbering sequence.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:number/@grouping-size
Namespace No namespace
The optional grouping-size specifies the size (normally 3) of the
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:number
<xs:attribute name="grouping-size" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The optional grouping-size specifies the size (normally 3) of the grouping.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@name
Namespace No namespace
The name of an xsl:output declaration is the value of its name attribute,
                                if any.
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The name of an xsl:output declaration is the value of its name attribute, if any.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@method
Namespace No namespace
The method attribute on the xsl:output element identifies the overall
                                method that is to be used for outputting the result tree. The value must be a valid
                                QName. If the QName does not have a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in
                                XSLT and XQuery Serialization and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. The default
                                value is in general xml but depending on the first element in the result tree it can be
                                also html or xhtml.
Type xsl:method
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:method">
    <xs:documentation>The method attribute on the xsl:output element identifies the overall method that is to be used for outputting the result tree. The value must be a valid QName. If the QName does not have a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in XSLT and XQuery Serialization and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. The default value is in general xml but depending on the first element in the result tree it can be also html or xhtml.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@byte-order-mark
Namespace No namespace
The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte
                                order mark is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is
                                specified, a byte order mark is written; if no is specified, no byte
                                order mark is written. The default value depends on the encoding
                                used. If the encoding is UTF-16, the default is yes; for UTF-8 it is
                                implementation-defined, and for all other encodings it is no. The
                                value of the byte order mark indicates whether high order bytes are
                                written before or after low order bytes; the actual byte order used
                                is implementation-dependent, unless it is defined by the selected
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte order mark is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is specified, a byte order mark is written; if no is specified, no byte order mark is written. The default value depends on the encoding used. If the encoding is UTF-16, the default is yes; for UTF-8 it is implementation-defined, and for all other encodings it is no. The value of the byte order mark indicates whether high order bytes are written before or after low order bytes; the actual byte order used is implementation-dependent, unless it is defined by the selected encoding.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@cdata-section-elements
Namespace No namespace
The cdata-section-elements attribute is a space-separated list of QNames.
                                After expansion of these names using the in-scope namespace declarations for the
                                xsl:output declaration in which they appear, this list of names provides the value of
                                the cdata-section-elements parameter to the serialization method. The default value is
                                an empty list.
Type xsl:QNames
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:QNames">
    <xs:documentation>The cdata-section-elements attribute is a space-separated list of QNames. After expansion of these names using the in-scope namespace declarations for the xsl:output declaration in which they appear, this list of names provides the value of the cdata-section-elements parameter to the serialization method. The default value is an empty list.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@doctype-public
Namespace No namespace
The value of the doctype-public attribute provides the value of the
                                doctype-public parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied.
Type xs:string
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the doctype-public attribute provides the value of the doctype-public parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@doctype-system
Namespace No namespace
The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the value of the
                                doctype-system parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied.
Type xs:string
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the value of the doctype-system parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@encoding
Namespace No namespace
The value of the encoding attribute provides the value of the encoding
                                parameter to the serialization method. The default value is implementation-defined, but
                                in the case of the xml and xhtml methods it must be either UTF-8 or UTF-16.
Type xs:string
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the encoding attribute provides the value of the encoding parameter to the serialization method. The default value is implementation-defined, but in the case of the xml and xhtml methods it must be either UTF-8 or UTF-16.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@escape-uri-attributes
Namespace No namespace
The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the value of the
                                escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method. The default value is yes.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the value of the escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method. The default value is yes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@include-content-type
Namespace No namespace
The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the value of the
                                include-content-type parameter to the serialization method. The default value is yes.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the value of the include-content-type parameter to the serialization method. The default value is yes.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@indent
Namespace No namespace
The value of the indent attribute provides the value of the indent
                                parameter to the serialization method. The default value is yes in the case of the html
                                and xhtml output methods, no in the case of the xml output method.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the indent attribute provides the value of the indent parameter to the serialization method. The default value is yes in the case of the html and xhtml output methods, no in the case of the xml output method.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@media-type
Namespace No namespace
The value of the media-type attribute provides the value of the media-type
                                parameter to the serialization method. The default value is text/xml in the case of the
                                xml output method, text/html in the case of the html and xhtml output methods, and
                                text/plain in the case of the text output method.
Type xs:string
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the media-type attribute provides the value of the media-type parameter to the serialization method. The default value is text/xml in the case of the xml output method, text/html in the case of the html and xhtml output methods, and text/plain in the case of the text output method.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@normalization-form
Namespace No namespace
The value of the normalization-form attribute
                                provides the value of the normalization-form parameter to the
                                serialization method. A value that is an NMTOKEN other than one of
                                those enumerated for the normalization-form attribute specifes an
                                implementation-defined normalization form; the behavior in this case
                                is not specified by this document. The default value is none.
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the normalization-form attribute provides the value of the normalization-form parameter to the serialization method. A value that is an NMTOKEN other than one of those enumerated for the normalization-form attribute specifes an implementation-defined normalization form; the behavior in this case is not specified by this document. The default value is none.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@omit-xml-declaration
Namespace No namespace
The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute provides the value of the
                                omit-xml-declaration parameter to the serialization method. The default value is no.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute provides the value of the omit-xml-declaration parameter to the serialization method. The default value is no.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@standalone
Namespace No namespace
The value of the standalone attribute provides the value of the standalone
                                parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied; this
                                means that no standalone attribute is included in the XML declaration.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the standalone attribute provides the value of the standalone parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied; this means that no standalone attribute is included in the XML declaration.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@undeclare-prefixes
Namespace No namespace
The undeclare-prefixes attribute is relevant only
                                when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1" (or
                                later). It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form
                                xmlns:foo="") should be output when a child element has no namespace
                                node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a namespace
                                node of its parent element. The default value is no: this means that
                                namespace undeclarations are not output, which has the effect that
                                when the resulting XML is reparsed, the new tree may contain
                                namespace nodes on the child element that were not there in the
                                original tree before serialization.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:yes-or-no">
    <xs:documentation>The undeclare-prefixes attribute is relevant only when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1" (or later). It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form xmlns:foo="") should be output when a child element has no namespace node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a namespace node of its parent element. The default value is no: this means that namespace undeclarations are not output, which has the effect that when the resulting XML is reparsed, the new tree may contain namespace nodes on the child element that were not there in the original tree before serialization.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@use-character-maps
Namespace No namespace
The use-character-maps attribute provides a list of named character maps
                                that are used in conjunction with this output definition.
Type xsl:QNames
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames">
    <xs:documentation>The use-character-maps attribute provides a list of named character maps that are used in conjunction with this output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:output/@version
Namespace No namespace
The value of the version attribute provides the value of the version
                                parameter to the serialization method. The default value depends on the output method:
                                it is 1.0 for xml, 4.01 for html, and 1.0 for xhtml. The parameter is not used by the
                                text output method.
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:output
<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the version attribute provides the value of the version parameter to the serialization method. The default value depends on the output method: it is 1.0 for xml, 4.01 for html, and 1.0 for xhtml. The parameter is not used by the text output method.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:perform-sort/@select
Namespace No namespace
The initial sequence is obtained either by evaluating the select attribute
                                or by evaluating the contained sequence constructor (but not both).
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The initial sequence is obtained either by evaluating the select attribute or by evaluating the contained sequence constructor (but not both).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:preserve-space/@elements
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the preserve space elements. Its value is a
                                whitespace-separated list of NameTests.
Type xsl:nametests
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="elements" type="xsl:nametests" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the preserve space elements. Its value is a whitespace-separated list of NameTests.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:processing-instruction/@name
Namespace No namespace
The xsl:processing-instruction element has a required name attribute that
                                specifies the name of the processing instruction node. The value of the name attribute
                                is interpreted as an attribute value template.
Type xsl:avt
use: required
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The xsl:processing-instruction element has a required name attribute that specifies the name of the processing instruction node. The value of the name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:processing-instruction/@select
Namespace No namespace
The string value of the new processing-instruction node may be defined
                                either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the
                                content of the xsl:processing-instruction element. These are mutually exclusive.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The string value of the new processing-instruction node may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:processing-instruction element. These are mutually exclusive.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@format
Namespace No namespace
The format attribute identifies the xsl:output declaration that will
                                control the serialization of the result tree (see 20 Serialization), if the result tree
                                is serialized. If the format attribute is omitted, the unnamed output definition is used
                                to control serialization of the result tree.
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The format attribute identifies the xsl:output declaration that will control the serialization of the result tree (see 20 Serialization), if the result tree is serialized. If the format attribute is omitted, the unnamed output definition is used to control serialization of the result tree.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@href
Namespace No namespace
The href attribute is optional. The default value is the zero-length
                                string. The effective value of the attribute must be a URI, which may be absolute or
                                relative. If the effective value is a relative URI, then it is resolved relative to the
                                base output URI.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="href" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The href attribute is optional. The default value is the zero-length string. The effective value of the attribute must be a URI, which may be absolute or relative. If the effective value is a relative URI, then it is resolved relative to the base output URI.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@method
Namespace No namespace
The method attribute on the xsl:result-document element identifies the overall
                                method that is to be used for outputting the result tree. The value must be a valid
                                QName. If the QName does not have a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in
                                XSLT and XQuery Serialization and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. 
                                May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The method attribute on the xsl:result-document element identifies the overall method that is to be used for outputting the result tree. The value must be a valid QName. If the QName does not have a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in XSLT and XQuery Serialization and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@byte-order-mark
Namespace No namespace
The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte
                                order mark is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is
                                specified, a byte order mark is written; if no is specified, no byte
                                order mark is written. The value of the byte order mark indicates
                                whether high order bytes are written before or after low order
                                bytes; the actual byte order used is implementation-dependent,
                                unless it is defined by the selected encoding. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte order mark is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is specified, a byte order mark is written; if no is specified, no byte order mark is written. The value of the byte order mark indicates whether high order bytes are written before or after low order bytes; the actual byte order used is implementation-dependent, unless it is defined by the selected encoding. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@cdata-section-elements
Namespace No namespace
The cdata-section-elements attribute is a
                                space-separated list of QNames. After expansion of these names using
                                the in-scope namespace declarations for the xsl:output declaration
                                in which they appear, this list of names provides the value of the
                                cdata-section-elements parameter to the serialization method. The
                                default value is an empty list. May be used to override the attribute
                                defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The cdata-section-elements attribute is a space-separated list of QNames. After expansion of these names using the in-scope namespace declarations for the xsl:output declaration in which they appear, this list of names provides the value of the cdata-section-elements parameter to the serialization method. The default value is an empty list. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@doctype-public
Namespace No namespace
The value of the doctype-public attribute provides
                                the value of the doctype-public parameter to the serialization
                                method. By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the doctype-public attribute provides the value of the doctype-public parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@doctype-system
Namespace No namespace
The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the
                                value of the doctype-system parameter to the serialization method.
                                By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to override
                                the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the value of the doctype-system parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@encoding
Namespace No namespace
The value of the encoding attribute provides the value
                                of the encoding parameter to the serialization method. May be used
                                to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the encoding attribute provides the value of the encoding parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@escape-uri-attributes
Namespace No namespace
The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the value of the
                                escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method.  May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the value of the escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@include-content-type
Namespace No namespace
The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the value of the
                                include-content-type parameter to the serialization method. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the value of the include-content-type parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@indent
Namespace No namespace
The value of the indent attribute provides the value
                                of the indent parameter to the serialization method. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the indent attribute provides the value of the indent parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@media-type
Namespace No namespace
The value of the media-type attribute provides the
                                value of the media-type parameter to the serialization method. May
                                be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the media-type attribute provides the value of the media-type parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@normalization-form
Namespace No namespace
The value of the normalization-form attribute
                                provides the value of the normalization-form parameter to the
                                serialization method. A value that is an NMTOKEN other than one of
                                those enumerated for the normalization-form attribute specifes an
                                implementation-defined normalization form; the behavior in this case
                                is not specified by this document. May be used to override the
                                attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the normalization-form attribute provides the value of the normalization-form parameter to the serialization method. A value that is an NMTOKEN other than one of those enumerated for the normalization-form attribute specifes an implementation-defined normalization form; the behavior in this case is not specified by this document. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@omit-xml-declaration
Namespace No namespace
The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute
                                provides the value of the omit-xml-declaration parameter to the
                                serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined
                                in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute provides the value of the omit-xml-declaration parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@standalone
Namespace No namespace
The value of the standalone attribute provides the
                                value of the standalone parameter to the serialization method. May
                                be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the standalone attribute provides the value of the standalone parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@undeclare-prefixes
Namespace No namespace
The undeclare-prefixes attribute is relevant only
                                when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1" (or
                                later). It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form
                                xmlns:foo="") should be output when a child element has no namespace
                                node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a namespace
                                node of its parent element. May be used to override the attribute defined
                                in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The undeclare-prefixes attribute is relevant only when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1" (or later). It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form xmlns:foo="") should be output when a child element has no namespace node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a namespace node of its parent element. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@use-character-maps
Namespace No namespace
The use-character-maps attribute provides a list of
                                named character maps that are used in conjunction with this output
                                definition. May be used to override the attribute defined in the
                                selected output definition.
Type xsl:QNames
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames">
    <xs:documentation>The use-character-maps attribute provides a list of named character maps that are used in conjunction with this output definition. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@output-version
Namespace No namespace
The value of the version attribute provides the value
                                of the version parameter to the serialization method. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="output-version" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the version attribute provides the value of the version parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@byte-order-mark
Namespace No namespace
The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte
                                order mark is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is
                                specified, a byte order mark is written; if no is specified, no byte
                                order mark is written. The value of the byte order mark indicates
                                whether high order bytes are written before or after low order
                                bytes; the actual byte order used is implementation-dependent,
                                unless it is defined by the selected encoding. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte order mark is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is specified, a byte order mark is written; if no is specified, no byte order mark is written. The value of the byte order mark indicates whether high order bytes are written before or after low order bytes; the actual byte order used is implementation-dependent, unless it is defined by the selected encoding. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@cdata-section-elements
Namespace No namespace
The cdata-section-elements attribute is a
                                space-separated list of QNames. After expansion of these names using
                                the in-scope namespace declarations for the xsl:output declaration
                                in which they appear, this list of names provides the value of the
                                cdata-section-elements parameter to the serialization method. The
                                default value is an empty list. May be used to override the attribute
                                defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The cdata-section-elements attribute is a space-separated list of QNames. After expansion of these names using the in-scope namespace declarations for the xsl:output declaration in which they appear, this list of names provides the value of the cdata-section-elements parameter to the serialization method. The default value is an empty list. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@doctype-public
Namespace No namespace
The value of the doctype-public attribute provides
                                the value of the doctype-public parameter to the serialization
                                method. By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the doctype-public attribute provides the value of the doctype-public parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@doctype-system
Namespace No namespace
The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the
                                value of the doctype-system parameter to the serialization method.
                                By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to override
                                the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the value of the doctype-system parameter to the serialization method. By default, the parameter is not supplied. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@encoding
Namespace No namespace
The value of the encoding attribute provides the value
                                of the encoding parameter to the serialization method. May be used
                                to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the encoding attribute provides the value of the encoding parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@escape-uri-attributes
Namespace No namespace
The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the value of the
                                escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method.  May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the value of the escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@format
Namespace No namespace
The format attribute identifies the xsl:output declaration that will
                                control the serialization of the result tree (see 20 Serialization), if the result tree
                                is serialized. If the format attribute is omitted, the unnamed output definition is used
                                to control serialization of the result tree.
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The format attribute identifies the xsl:output declaration that will control the serialization of the result tree (see 20 Serialization), if the result tree is serialized. If the format attribute is omitted, the unnamed output definition is used to control serialization of the result tree.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@href
Namespace No namespace
The href attribute is optional. The default value is the zero-length
                                string. The effective value of the attribute must be a URI, which may be absolute or
                                relative. If the effective value is a relative URI, then it is resolved relative to the
                                base output URI.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="href" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The href attribute is optional. The default value is the zero-length string. The effective value of the attribute must be a URI, which may be absolute or relative. If the effective value is a relative URI, then it is resolved relative to the base output URI.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@include-content-type
Namespace No namespace
The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the value of the
                                include-content-type parameter to the serialization method. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the value of the include-content-type parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@indent
Namespace No namespace
The value of the indent attribute provides the value
                                of the indent parameter to the serialization method. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the indent attribute provides the value of the indent parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@media-type
Namespace No namespace
The value of the media-type attribute provides the
                                value of the media-type parameter to the serialization method. May
                                be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the media-type attribute provides the value of the media-type parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@method
Namespace No namespace
The method attribute on the xsl:result-document element identifies the overall
                                method that is to be used for outputting the result tree. The value must be a valid
                                QName. If the QName does not have a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in
                                XSLT and XQuery Serialization and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. 
                                May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The method attribute on the xsl:result-document element identifies the overall method that is to be used for outputting the result tree. The value must be a valid QName. If the QName does not have a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in XSLT and XQuery Serialization and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@normalization-form
Namespace No namespace
The value of the normalization-form attribute
                                provides the value of the normalization-form parameter to the
                                serialization method. A value that is an NMTOKEN other than one of
                                those enumerated for the normalization-form attribute specifes an
                                implementation-defined normalization form; the behavior in this case
                                is not specified by this document. May be used to override the
                                attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the normalization-form attribute provides the value of the normalization-form parameter to the serialization method. A value that is an NMTOKEN other than one of those enumerated for the normalization-form attribute specifes an implementation-defined normalization form; the behavior in this case is not specified by this document. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@omit-xml-declaration
Namespace No namespace
The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute
                                provides the value of the omit-xml-declaration parameter to the
                                serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined
                                in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute provides the value of the omit-xml-declaration parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@output-version
Namespace No namespace
The value of the version attribute provides the value
                                of the version parameter to the serialization method. May be used to
                                override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="output-version" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the version attribute provides the value of the version parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@standalone
Namespace No namespace
The value of the standalone attribute provides the
                                value of the standalone parameter to the serialization method. May
                                be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The value of the standalone attribute provides the value of the standalone parameter to the serialization method. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@type
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the
                                xsl:result-document instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to
                                determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the result tree will
                                carry.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:result-document instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the result tree will carry.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@undeclare-prefixes
Namespace No namespace
The undeclare-prefixes attribute is relevant only
                                when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1" (or
                                later). It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form
                                xmlns:foo="") should be output when a child element has no namespace
                                node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a namespace
                                node of its parent element. May be used to override the attribute defined
                                in the selected output definition.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>The undeclare-prefixes attribute is relevant only when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1" (or later). It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form xmlns:foo="") should be output when a child element has no namespace node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a namespace node of its parent element. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@use-character-maps
Namespace No namespace
The use-character-maps attribute provides a list of
                                named character maps that are used in conjunction with this output
                                definition. May be used to override the attribute defined in the
                                selected output definition.
Type xsl:QNames
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames">
    <xs:documentation>The use-character-maps attribute provides a list of named character maps that are used in conjunction with this output definition. May be used to override the attribute defined in the selected output definition.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:result-document/@validation
Namespace No namespace
The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the
                                xsl:result-document instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to
                                determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the result tree will
                                carry.<br/>See more info at
Type xsl:validation-type
content: simple
enumeration strict, lax, preserve, strip
<xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:documentation>The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:result-document instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the result tree will carry.
      <br/>See more info at</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence/@as
Namespace No namespace
The as attribute, if present, defines the required type of the result
                                sequence. The computed value of the result sequence will be converted to this type using
                                the function conversion rules. The as attribute may be used to restrict the sequence to
                                contain only atomic values, or only nodes, or it may allow a sequence containing both
                                atomic values and nodes. If no as attribute is specified, the default value is item()*,
                                which permits any value. No conversion then takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type">
    <xs:documentation>The as attribute, if present, defines the required type of the result sequence. The computed value of the result sequence will be converted to this type using the function conversion rules. The as attribute may be used to restrict the sequence to contain only atomic values, or only nodes, or it may allow a sequence containing both atomic values and nodes. If no as attribute is specified, the default value is item()*, which permits any value. No conversion then takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence/@select
Namespace No namespace
The items comprising the result sequence may be selected using the select
                                attribute, or constructed using the contained sequence constructor (but not both).
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The items comprising the result sequence may be selected using the select attribute, or constructed using the contained sequence constructor (but not both).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:strip-space/@elements
Namespace No namespace
Specifies the strip space elements. Its value is a whitespace-separated
                                list of NameTests.
Type xsl:nametests
use: required
Used by
Element xsl:strip-space
<xs:attribute name="elements" type="xsl:nametests" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies the strip space elements. Its value is a whitespace-separated list of NameTests.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:template/@match
Namespace No namespace
A template rule is specified using the xsl:template element with a match
                                attribute. The match attribute is a Pattern that identifies the node or nodes to which
                                the rule applies. The result of applying the template rule is the result of evaluating
                                the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:template element, with the matching node
                                used as the context node.
Type xsl:pattern
Type hierarchy
content: simple
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:template
<xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern">
    <xs:documentation>A template rule is specified using the xsl:template element with a match attribute. The match attribute is a Pattern that identifies the node or nodes to which the rule applies. The result of applying the template rule is the result of evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:template element, with the matching node used as the context node.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:template/@priority
Namespace No namespace
The priority of a template rule is specified by the priority attribute on
                                the template rule.
Type xs:decimal
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:template
<xs:attribute name="priority" type="xs:decimal">
    <xs:documentation>The priority of a template rule is specified by the priority attribute on the template rule.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:template/@mode
Namespace No namespace
A template rule is applicable to one or more modes. The modes to which it
                                is applicable are defined by the mode attribute of the xsl:template element. If the
                                attribute is omitted, then the template rule is applicable to the default mode. If the
                                attribute is present, then its value must be a space-separated list of tokens, each of
                                which defines a mode to which the template rule is applicable. Each token must be one of
                                the following:<ul>
  <li>a QName, to define the name of the mode</li>
  <li>the token #default, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to the default mode</li>
  <li>the token #all, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to all modes.</li>
Type xsl:modes
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:template
<xs:attribute name="mode" type="xsl:modes">
    <xs:documentation>A template rule is applicable to one or more modes. The modes to which it is applicable are defined by the mode attribute of the xsl:template element. If the attribute is omitted, then the template rule is applicable to the default mode. If the attribute is present, then its value must be a space-separated list of tokens, each of which defines a mode to which the template rule is applicable. Each token must be one of the following:
        <li>a QName, to define the name of the mode</li>
        <li>the token #default, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to the default mode</li>
        <li>the token #all, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to all modes.</li>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:template/@name
Namespace No namespace
Specifies a name for the template. If the template has a name attribute,
                                then it is a named template.
Type xsl:QName
content: simple
pattern (\i\c*) & (([^:]+:)?[^:]+)
Used by
Element xsl:template
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies a name for the template. If the template has a name attribute, then it is a named template.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:template/@as
Namespace No namespace
If an as attribute is present, the as attribute defines the required type
                                of the result. The result of evaluating the sequence constructor is converted to the
                                required type using the function conversion rules. If no as attribute is specified, the
                                default value is item()*, which permits any value. No conversion then takes place.
Type xsl:sequence-type
default: item()*
pattern .+
Used by
Element xsl:template
<xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" default="item()*">
    <xs:documentation>If an as attribute is present, the as attribute defines the required type of the result. The result of evaluating the sequence constructor is converted to the required type using the function conversion rules. If no as attribute is specified, the default value is item()*, which permits any value. No conversion then takes place.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:text/@disable-output-escaping
Namespace No namespace
Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the serializer
                                will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting text
                                nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. Specifying disable-output-escaping
                                as yes will disable this. This attribute is marked as deprecated in XSLT 2.0. Since
                                disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and can result in XML
                                that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no alternative. The
                                facility to define character maps for use during serialization has been produced as an
                                alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling of output
                                escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: no
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:text
<xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no">
    <xs:documentation>Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the serializer will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting text nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. Specifying disable-output-escaping as yes will disable this. This attribute is marked as deprecated in XSLT 2.0. Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no alternative. The facility to define character maps for use during serialization has been produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:transform-element-base-type/@version
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:decimal
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="required"/>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:transform/@id
Namespace No namespace
A stylesheet module may be embedded in an XML document and the
                                xsl:stylesheet element may occur in that XML document other than as the document
                                element. To facilitate this form of embedding, the xsl:stylesheet element may have an ID
                                attribute that specifies a unique identifier.
Type xs:ID
content: simple
Used by
Element xsl:transform
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
    <xs:documentation>A stylesheet module may be embedded in an XML document and the xsl:stylesheet element may occur in that XML document other than as the document element. To facilitate this form of embedding, the xsl:stylesheet element may have an ID attribute that specifies a unique identifier.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:transform/@default-validation
Namespace No namespace
The default-validation attribute defines the default value of the
                                validation attribute of all xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, and
                                xsl:result-document instructions, and of the xsl:validation attribute of all literal
                                result elements. It also determines the validation applied to the implicit result tree
                                created in the absence of an xsl:result-document instruction. This default applies
                                within the stylesheet module: it does not extend to included or imported stylesheet
                                modules. If the attribute is omitted, the default is strip.
Type xsl:validation-strip-or-preserve
Type hierarchy
default: strip
enumeration preserve, strip
Used by
Element xsl:transform
<xs:attribute name="default-validation" type="xsl:validation-strip-or-preserve" default="strip">
    <xs:documentation>The default-validation attribute defines the default value of the validation attribute of all xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, and xsl:result-document instructions, and of the xsl:validation attribute of all literal result elements. It also determines the validation applied to the implicit result tree created in the absence of an xsl:result-document instruction. This default applies within the stylesheet module: it does not extend to included or imported stylesheet modules. If the attribute is omitted, the default is strip.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:transform/@input-type-annotations
Namespace No namespace
Describes how type annotations in source documents
                                are handled. This attribute has three permitted values: strip,
                                preserve, and unspecified. The default value is unspecified.
                                Stripping of type annotations takes place if at least one stylesheet
                                module in the stylesheet specifies input-type-annotations="strip".
Type xsl:input-type-annotations-type
default: unspecified
enumeration preserve, strip, unspecified
Used by
Element xsl:transform
<xs:attribute name="input-type-annotations" type="xsl:input-type-annotations-type" default="unspecified">
    <xs:documentation>Describes how type annotations in source documents are handled. This attribute has three permitted values: strip, preserve, and unspecified. The default value is unspecified. Stripping of type annotations takes place if at least one stylesheet module in the stylesheet specifies input-type-annotations="strip".</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:sequence-constructor-group/@disable-output-escaping
Namespace No namespace
Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the
                                serializer will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting
                                text nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. Specifying
                                disable-output-escaping as yes will disable this. This attribute is marked as deprecated
                                in XSLT 2.0. Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and
                                can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no
                                alternative. The facility to define character maps for use during serialization has been
                                produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling
                                of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: no
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Element xsl:value-of
<xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no">
    <xs:documentation>Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the serializer will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting text nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. Specifying disable-output-escaping as yes will disable this. This attribute is marked as deprecated in XSLT 2.0. Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no alternative. The facility to define character maps for use during serialization has been produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:value-of/@disable-output-escaping
Namespace No namespace
Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the
                                serializer will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting
                                text nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. Specifying
                                disable-output-escaping as yes will disable this. This attribute is marked as deprecated
                                in XSLT 2.0. Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and
                                can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no
                                alternative. The facility to define character maps for use during serialization has been
                                produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling
                                of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.
Type xsl:yes-or-no
default: no
enumeration yes, no
<xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no">
    <xs:documentation>Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the serializer will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting text nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. Specifying disable-output-escaping as yes will disable this. This attribute is marked as deprecated in XSLT 2.0. Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no alternative. The facility to define character maps for use during serialization has been produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:value-of/@select
Namespace No namespace
The string value of the new text node may be defined either by using the
                                select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the
                                xsl:value-of element. These are mutually exclusive, and one of them must be present.
Type xsl:expression
content: simple
pattern .+
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression">
    <xs:documentation>The string value of the new text node may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:value-of element. These are mutually exclusive, and one of them must be present.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd
Attribute xsl:value-of/@separator
Namespace No namespace
If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this
                                attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence. In the absence of
                                this attribute, the default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is
                                specified using the select attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is
                                specified using a sequence constructor.
Type xsl:avt
content: simple
<xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt">
    <xs:documentation>If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence. In the absence of this attribute, the default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/D:/projects/eXml/src/builtin/XSL2.0Schema.xsd