
Used by
Simple Type start-stop-discontinue
Namespace No namespace
The start-stop-discontinue type is used to specify ending types. Typically, the start type is associated with the left barline of the first measure in an ending. The stop and discontinue types are associated with the right barline of the last measure in an ending. Stop is used when the ending mark concludes with a downward jog, as is typical for first endings. Discontinue is used when there is no downward jog, as is typical for second endings that do not conclude a piece.
Type restriction of xs:token
enumeration start, stop, discontinue
Used by
Attribute ending/@type
<xs:simpleType name="start-stop-discontinue">
    <xs:documentation>The start-stop-discontinue type is used to specify ending types. Typically, the start type is associated with the left barline of the first measure in an ending. The stop and discontinue types are associated with the right barline of the last measure in an ending. Stop is used when the ending mark concludes with a downward jog, as is typical for first endings. Discontinue is used when there is no downward jog, as is typical for second endings that do not conclude a piece.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:enumeration value="start"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="stop"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="discontinue"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd