[oXygen-user] About oXygen XML Editor

About oXygen XML Editor
Thu May 21 23:35:53 CDT 2015

About oXygen XML Editor

Schematron Checks to help Technical Writing

Posted: 21 May 2015 03:56 AM PDT

   The Oxygen XML Editor User's Manual is written in DITA. In an older post  
I described in more detail  how we collaborate internally on our        
User's Guide Project. And we also made available a copy of our User's  
Manual as a project on         GitHub.   During these years on working on  
it, we progressively developed a set of simple rules which    were  
originally kept in a plain text document. The problem is that nobody can  
really remember all    these rules when actually writing. So recently we  
started to migrate these rules to Schematron    and have them reported  
automatically has validation warnings and errors while editing the  
topics.    And with the release of Oxygen 17 we can now also add quick  
fixes for each of these problems.   So below I will try to tell you what  
each rule imposes and what it's Schematron implementation    looks like. If  
you want to quickly test these rules on your side, you can add them to  
the    Schematron file which is used by default to validate DITA topics  
located in:      
Try as much as possible to add at least an indexterm element in  
each         topic. This is useful when the Index page is created for the  
PDF output or the           Index tab is created for the WebHelp output. As  
this is not a requirement, we         wanted to report this issue as an  
error. The end result looks like this:

  And the Schematron pattern looks like         this:<pattern  
  <rule context="/*">
   <assert test="prolog/metadata/keywords/indexterm" role="warn"  
       It is recommended to add an 'indexterm' in the current '<name/>'  
   <!-- Quick fix to add the indexterm element element and its parents -->
   <sqf:fix id="addFragment">
           <sqf:title>Add the 'indexterm' element</sqf:title>
       <sqf:add match="(title | titlealts | abstract | shortdesc)[last()]"  
position="after" use-when="not(prolog)">
          <prolog xmlns=""><metadata><keywords><indexterm>  
</indexterm></keywords> </metadata></prolog>
</pattern>    The ID of each topic must be equal to the file name (minus  
the extension). One of the outputs         we produce (I think CHM) had a  
limitation when building the context mapping between help IDs         and  
actual HTML content so this was an important rule for us, thus an error is  
reported on         this. Also a quick fix is added to auto-correct the  
topic ID based on the file name. The end         result looks like this:

and the Schematron pattern         is:<!-- Topic ID must be equal to file  
name -->
  <sch:rule context="/*[1][contains(@class, ' topic/topic ')]">
   <sch:let name="reqId"  
value="replace(tokenize(document-uri(/), '/')[last()], '\.dita', '')"/>
   <sch:assert test="@id = $reqId" sqf:fix="setId">
    Topic ID must be equal to file name.
   <sqf:fix id="setId">
     <sqf:title>Set "<sch:value-of select="$reqId"/>" as a topic  
     <sqf:p>The topic ID must be equal to the file name.</sqf:p>
    <sqf:replace match="@id" node-type="attribute" target="id"  
</sch:pattern>    Report when plain links or related links to web resources  
have the same text inside them as         the value of the @href attribute.  
We had cases in which writers would input web links         like          
this:<xref href="http://www.google.com" format="html"  
scope="external">http://www.google.com</xref>which         is redundant  
because when you set no text to the link, the publishing uses the  
@href        attribute value as the link text. So we wanted to report such  
cases as warnings and to have         a quick fix which removes the link  

The Schematron pattern looks like         this:<sch:pattern>
  <sch:rule context="*[contains(@class, ' topic/xref ') or  
contains(@class, ' topic/link ')]">
   <sch:report test="@scope='external' and @href=text()"  
    Link text is same as @href attribute value. Please remove.
   <sqf:fix id="removeText">
     <sqf:title>Remove redundant link text, text is same as @href  
    <sqf:delete match="text()"/>
</sch:pattern>    Avoid using the @scale attribute on images. We wanted to  
smooth scale images in an     external image editor so it was prohibited to  
use the @scale attribute on images. The     Schematron pattern for      
  <rule context="*[contains(@class, ' topic/image ')]">
   <assert test="not(@scale)">
    Dynamically scaled images are not properly displayed, you
    should scale the image with an image tool and keep it within
    the recommended with and height limits.
</pattern>      We have an upcoming webinar dedicated to Schematron Quick  
Fixes. There is a W3C working group for XML Quick Fixes and you calso read  
the SQF Quick Fix specification if you want to become more       familiar  
with the technology.
We also have a GitHub project which tries to combine the notion of a        
style guide for writing documentation inside a company with a very simple  
manner of defining       checks which can be applied to impose the  
styleguide rules.      I would be interested in your feedback, especially  
if you have checks that you perform right       now on your content and you  
consider that they might benefit others.

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