[oXygen-user] which Schematron processor?

Syd Bauman
Fri Dec 24 08:38:19 CST 2010

I'm guessing that if I check the "Use Saxon EE (schema aware) for
xslt2 query binding - If checked, Saxon EE will be used for xslt2
query binding." box in the "ISO Schematron" section of the XML / XML
Parser preferences page, then oXygen will use Saxon EE to validate my
documents against an ISO Schematron schema that uses xslt2 query

But what does oXygen use as an ISO Schematron validator if I *don't*
check that box? (The documentation under the Help menu doesn't say.)

As I side note, I'm asking because I'm getting warnings from the
validation that I thought might really be indicative of a processor-
specific problem, rather than a Schematron schema or validation
error. Probatron does not complain, but oXygen warns that "The
attribute axis starting at an attribute node will never select
anything" and that "The child axis starting at an attribute node will
never select anything". The rule that generates the complaint is
  <rule context="tei:*/@*"> ... </rule>
So I'm guessing that the processor tried to convert this to some
generic XSLT that included a match pattern that would never fire.

So I tried switching processors to Saxon EE, but that just added an
error to the warnings: "Cannot validate <TEI>: no element declaration
available". It took a Google search to find out that setting oXygen
to use Saxon's -vlax switch is how to deal with that. (Found

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