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Distinguishing between autosave and manual save events

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:45 pm
by sijomon
Hi all,

I'm having another problem whilst implemeting my custom protocol handler and was wonderring if any one can assist.

I have implemented a custom protocol handler that uses a webservice to open and save documents. This handler will store local copies of files if the webservice isn't available when a save event occurs. There is a requirement to perform save opertaions on open docuemnts automatically every minute. We would prefer not to call the webservice save method evey minute and therefore we thought we might use the local files to peform the minute saves, and then call the webservice every 10 minues or so.

This is reletively easily implemented, however when a user peforms a manual save we need to commit to the webservice regardless of how long its been since the last webservice save.

Is there any way to distinguish between a save event triggered from an automatic save and one triggered from a manual action? If not, what would you suggest to provide the required functionality? Could the protocol handler spawn its own saving thread to periodically save to the localfile/webservice?

Any advice gratefully received.


Re: Distinguishing between autosave and manual save events

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:15 am
by sorin_ristache

There is no way to distinguish between the two save events. If you need to commit to the webservice in case of a manual save regardless of the time interval from the last save I think the protocol handler should spawn its own saving thread.
