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Deleting An Attribute Value In A Combobox

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:26 pm
by john_m

I am using Oxygen XML Web Author and discovered an issue today.

I have several comboboxes in my document that edit attributes. These comboboxes pull their value from the schema and are initially set to blank. The issue I have is that if someone accidentally selects a value, I cannot delete the value - unless I go into the xml and delete it manually. We do not want our users to use the xml view - so this is not a good solution for my purposes.

I saw in the documentation for oxy_combobox that using canRemoveValue set to true creates an <Empty> value. However, that is not working for me...
I suspect because I am using values from the schema.

Below is the code - and in this example, I would like the ability to delete an accidentally filled-in value for the last combobox.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


Code: Select all

oxy_label(text, "Replacment nameplate/modplates required: ", width, 18%)
oxy_combobox(edit, "@replaceNameplate", editable, false, width, 10%)
oxy_label(text, " ", width, 2%)
oxy_label(text, "If Yes, replacement nameplate/modplate type: ", width, 18%)
oxy_combobox(edit, "@nameplateType", editable, false, width, 52%);

Re: Deleting An Attribute Value In A Combobox

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:31 pm
by Gabriel Titerlea

You can use add an oxy_button when the attribute you want to remove is present. This button will remove the attribute.

Here's an example:

Code: Select all

replacementNameplateRequired[nameplateType]{ /* Adding the button only when the nameplateType attribute is present */
oxy_label(text, "Replacment nameplate/modplates required: ", width, 18%)
oxy_combobox(edit, "@replaceNameplate", editable, false, width, 10%)
oxy_label(text, " ", width, 2%)
oxy_label(text, "If Yes, replacement nameplate/modplate type: ", width, 18%)
oxy_combobox(edit, "@nameplateType", editable, false, width, 52%)

oxy_button(action, oxy_action(
name, 'Remove nameplate',
operation, 'ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.operations.ChangeAttributeOperation',
arg-name, 'nameplateType' /* The attribute to remove */

I'm using the ChangeAttributeOperation in this example. You can find the documentation for this operation here [1].

Alternatively your users could use the Attributes panel to remove an attribute [2].


[1] ... eOperation
[2] ... _attribute