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Synco SVN Client and svn:global-ignores

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:21 am
by bwbohl

I'm working on OS X 10.12.2 and when new directories get added to my working copy there often are the common OS X specific hidden files like .DS_Store. In order not to add them to the version control unintentionally I added .DS_Store my svn:global-ignores.

As soon as a directory is under version control this works fine, but as Sync SVN Client allows a commit to recursively add any sub-directories the .DS_Store files in those sub-directories are still being offered for committing. Unfortunately the "Preferences/SVN/Working copy/Application global ignores" set to ".DS_Store" didn't help either…

Is there a way to tell Syncro SVN Client to apply ignore patterns when scanning my working copy in order to avoid the above behaviour and exclude .DS_Store files from the very first moment?


Re: Synco SVN Client and svn:global-ignores

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:45 am
by florin

To use the global-ignores property, make sure it is active in the SVN configuration file (no '#' characters at the beginning of the text line, before the property name) and all its values are on a single line (with the property name), separated by an empty space.

The property (and the "File name ignore patterns" option under Options > Preferences > SVN > Working copy > Application global ignores) takes effect only if the parent directory of an unversioned item matching any of those patterns is under version control (or scheduled to be added under version control). This is the way Subversion works (regarding the global property) and Syncro SVN Client uses the same routine - they only apply those patterns to direct children of a such directory.

Unfortunately, when processing unversioned directories, the SVN client collects recursively all the items within (because of the approach described above, any unversioned items deeper that the first level is collected). Maybe this could be improved in a future version, to omit the items that would match those patterns. For now, the commit operation will always propose those items, but, as a workaround, you can use the Add to version control action before committing - it will also propose those items, but actually they will be ignored when adding the parent directory under version control (thus, becoming ignored after and being omitted by the Commit action).

Best regards,

Re: Synco SVN Client and svn:global-ignores

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:19 pm
by bwbohl
Hi Florin,

thanks for the technical clarifications! Sad though, that SVN doesn't handle this better.

Nevertheless Syncro SVN Client (as an interface for SVN) could have an option to evaluate svn:global-ignores before any SVN action taken – comparable to the ignore patterns one can insert e.g. in the Syncro Diff Directories tool. The handy thing about that would be for Repo-Admins working with rather unexperienced data contributors that do not know about certain hidden system files like e.g. .DS_Store

If not yet on the agenda please make this a feature request ;-)

Re: Synco SVN Client and svn:global-ignores

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 9:00 am
by florin

I've added your feature request on our internal issue tracking system.

Best regards,