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Transformation failed after stopping the process

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:42 am
by sabinamarcu

My battery died while I was running a transformation scenario for a Ditamap Webhelp build. After I recharged my computer, I had to restart it and stop the transformation process.
When I try to run a transformation now, Oxygen immediately shows an F [DITA-OT] TRANSFORMATION FAILED message.

How can I fix this?


Re: Transformation failed after stopping the process

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:09 am
by Radu

After the transformation fails you should have a DITA OT console view at the bottom of Oxygen containing all the console output given by the DITA OT ANT process. You could paste all its contents in a code block in a reply on this forum thread and I could take a look at it.
As a workaround, possibly manually removing the transformation temporary and output folders and then running the transformation again should do the trick.


Re: Transformation failed after stopping the process

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:25 pm
by sabinamarcu
Thanks, I'll try that workaround. Meanwhile, here's the the messagethat I get in the DITA-OT console:

Code: Select all

"c:\program files (x86)\oxygen xml editor 17\jre/bin/java" -Xmx3000m "" -classpath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\tools\ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar" "-Dant.home=C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\tools\ant" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\commons-io.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\commons-io-2.4.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\classes" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\oxygen.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\oxygenAuthor.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\oxygenDeveloper.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\oxygenEclipse.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\resolver.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor_1.2.0.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\xml-apis.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\xercesImpl.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\commons-io-1.3.1.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\commons-logging-1.1.3.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\log4j.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\commons-codec-1.4.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\commons-codec.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\commons-codec-1.9.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\jing.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\saxon9ee.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\saxon.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\xmlgraphics-commons-1.5.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\fop.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\batik-all-1.7.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\js.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\poi-3.10-FINAL-20140208.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\nekohtml.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\xml-apis-ext.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\jeuclid-core.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\jeuclid-fop.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\jai_tiff.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\jh.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\jsearch.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\lucene-core-4.0.0.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\lucene-analyzers-common-4.0.0.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\plugins\com.oxygenxml.webhelp\lib\lucene-analyzers-kuromoji-4.0.0.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\plugins\com.oxygenxml.webhelp\lib\xhtml-indexer.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\plugins\com.oxygenxml.highlight\lib\xslthl-2.1.1.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\dost-patches.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\lib\dost.jar" -f "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/build.xml" "-Dtranstype=webhelp" "-Dbasedir=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source" "-Doutput.dir=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source/out/webhelp" "-Dwebhelp.trial.license=yes" "\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/plugins/com.oxygenxml.webhelp/predefined-skins/dita/aqua/skin.css" "-Ddita.temp.dir=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source/temp/webhelp" "-Dargs.input=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source\ACE_Aide_en_ligne_ks_fr.ditamap" "-Dclean.temp=no" "-Ddita.dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 17\frameworks/dita/DITA-OT" "-Dargs.breadcrumbs=yes" "-Dargs.css=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source\css\webhelp_topic.css" "-Dargs.xhtml.classattr=yes" "-Dwebhelp.copyright=Copyright © 2015. Aurea Software, Inc. (${DOUBLE_QUOTE}Aurea${DOUBLE_QUOTE}). All rights reserved." "-Dwebhelp.footer.file=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source\resources\footer\footer.html" "-Dwebhelp.logo.image=C:\Users\SuperCat\Desktop\_work\_Aurea\KS repository\svn-ks\docs_ace\fr\source\resources\media\AureaCollab.png" "" "-DbaseJVMArgLine=-Xmx3000m"

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 3072000KB object heap

The process finished with exit code: 1

Re: Transformation failed after stopping the process

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:07 pm
by adrian

You're running the 32-bit edition of Oxygen (with 32-bit Java). That means you can't use a heap (-Xmx) larger than 1400m-1500m (1200m is safer). Please try lowering the the -Xmx value (-Xmx1200m) in the configuration of the transformation scenario, Advanced tab, "JVM Arguments" field.

If you want/need to use that much memory (-Xmx3000m), I recommend installing and running the "Windows 64-bit" edition of Oxygen, Download oXygen XML Editor.


Re: Transformation failed after stopping the process

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:09 pm
by sabinamarcu
Thank you for your reply.
How can I deactivate my floating enterprise license from the 32-bit version and activate it on the 64-version I've downloaded?


Re: Transformation failed after stopping the process

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:21 pm
by Costin
Hi, Catalina!

The same Floating license key should work also with the 64-bit edition of oXygen. All you should do is just install the 64 distribution and it should work as there is no deactivation process required for the installation.

In case you are using a license server, you should use the same server credentials in the Help > Register menu as you did for the prior 32-bit edition.

For any other licensing aspects, if you need additional clarifications, please write us an email on supportAToxygenxmlDOTcom
