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Oxygen Noob - Batch Editing

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:26 am
by nathans1986
I'm a noob using oXygen not going to lie. I'm trying to edit 1,500 epubs with multiple html files in each one. Within the style sheets it has line-height:1.35vh; codes in a bunch of classes. I'm just trying to completely delete those lines in each epub, though at a batch level. Sorry this might be such a noob question. :(

Specific html:

font-family: minionpro-regular,serif;
font-size:4vh !important;
line-height: 1.35; <<<<trying to get rid of these lines that are throughout the style sheet on a large scale.
padding-top: 1vh !important;
padding-left: 6vw;
padding-bottom: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;

Re: Oxygen Noob - Batch Editing

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:08 pm
by Costin

It is possible to search for specific strings in multiple files of yours by using the "Find/Replace in files" action from oXygen's "Find" menu.

Therefore, you could easily accomplish this task if you have your Epub files inside a folder which should then link into the project you are currently working with in oXygen.

Then go to the project view and select this specific folder and invoke the "Find/Replace in files" action, either from the oXygen menu Find, or from the context menu, or even by using the "Ctrl+Shift+H" shortcut combination.
In the next "Find/Replace in files" popping dialog, enter "line-height: 1.35;" in the "Text to find" field and check to have the "Regular expression" option disabled.

Under the "Scope" section, select the first option - "Selected project resources" and also make sure you have the "Recurse subdirectories" and "Look inside archives" options enabled. The last one needs to be active, as oXygen treats all Epubs as containers.

Leave the "Replace with" text field empty and just click the "Replace All..." button. You will next have the possibility to first preview the results or just directly initiate the replacements.

Proceeding this way would result in eliminating all occurrences of the specific string you searched for from all of your Epub files.
