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Associating Schema Does Not Add Line to tei.xml File

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:55 pm
by jdrouin

I'm new to XML and this forum. I've been given a TEI XML file to edit, and am supposed to associate it with a .rnc schema file. Following instructions, I go to Document > XML Document > Associate Schema..., click on the RelaxNG Schema tab, select "Compact syntax" and "Use relative paths" and browse to periodicalsTEI.rnc on my computer.

I understand that, after I click on OK, the editor should automatically add a line to the document that reads like this:

<?oxygen RNGSchema="../../../schemas/periodicalsTei.rnc" type="compact"?>

However, it doesn't add that line. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here?



Re: Associating Schema Does Not Add Line to tei.xml File

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:10 pm
by sorin_ristache

Do you run Oxygen on a Mac computer? We fixed a bug after the release of the current version (version 10.3) about the actions from the Document menu. On Mac OS X the action is executed on the same document on which a previous Document menu action was invoked. If that was not the same as the current document on which you try to run the Associate Schema action you will see no effect.

Please use the same action from the toolbar until the release of the next version of Oxygen which will include the fix. That means the action Associate Schema available on toolbar Document.


Re: Associating Schema Does Not Add Line to tei.xml File

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:57 pm
by jdrouin
Yes, I do use a Mac with version 10.3 of oXygen. Thank you for the reply, and I will be sure to upgrade when the next version is released.
