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Configuring {frameworks} directory location

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:27 am
by JohnFitz
We have about 15 people who will need each need to edit the same XML files from time to time. This XML will be stored at a central location, and sync'd down to the users PC to edit. As an administrator I need to ensure that we can make changes to aspects of the DTD and have these implemented in all the XML automatically (in particular I want to be able to change "commonElements.mod" file for the group). Therefore, we'd like to maintain the DTD at a central location that each writer can sync these from. So we want to change our DTD directory from

C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 10\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\dtd
to something like

How can I configure the location of this "frameworks" directory.

Re: Configuring {frameworks} directory location

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:06 am
by sorin_ristache

You cannot change the location of the frameworks directory but you can change the location of the DTD/schema set in the document type (Options -> Preferences -> Document Type Association) and used for validation and content completion of the XML documents of that type. For example in the DITA Map document type or in a new document type that you create you can set the Schema URI to the value


instead of:


If you need to use a different version of the DITA-OT you can set that in the DITA Map transformation scenario - the Custom build file parameter on the Advanced tab of the scenario edit dialog.


Re: Configuring {frameworks} directory location

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:52 pm
by JohnFitz
Thanks - I now have my DTD's sitting at a remote location.

However, if I highlight an attribute and select 'Document > XML Document > Show Definition' my "commonElements.mod" file is still in the Oxygen install Directory. I believe I need to add any new attributes to this file, so I can set filters when I publish, so for example, only publish those items with the attribues "hardware=sparc" set. Is this correct?

That leads me to another issue. When I go to publish and set filters (Attribute Name = Value) and click Transform Now, the publishing job completes successfully, but those sections I tried to filter out still appear in my output. Is this a known bug?

Re: Configuring {frameworks} directory location

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:33 pm
by sorin_ristache

You have to modify also the default XML catalog for the DITA document type, delete it from the document type or set another XML catalog file that maps any reference to a DITA DTD, MOD or ENT file to the files from your DITA-OT (c:\SoftwareStore\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT). The default XML catalog maps the references to DITA DTD files to the ones from the frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/dtd directory. The file path(s) of the XML catalog file(s) are available on the Catalogs tab of the dialog for editing a document type, that is go to menu Options -> Preferences -> Document Type Association, edit the DITA document type, remove the default XML catalog and add the catalog from your DITA-OT: c:\SoftwareStore\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\catalog-dita.xml.

You need to close and reopen the edited DITA file in order to apply the new XML catalog preferences.

If the filter that you set on the Filters tab of the DITA scenario edit dialog is the new attribute "hardware=sparc" that you added to your custom commonElements.mod file then the above XML catalog problem explains why the filter was not applied: in fact your custom DTD/MOD files were not used due to the default DITA catalogs.
