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FOP - line formatting without tables

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:58 pm
by colan

I'm pretty new in FOP and I've got some problem. Due to
performance and problem with memory usage i'd like
to make my report without tables.

My question is, is there any fop technique to format
line without tables. I'mean i'd like to have lines like this :


and of course space between columns is various and
length of values is various too ...

i don't want to use monospace fonts and put spaces
like here dots) between values ...

so, any ideas ?

thanx a lot for any help ...


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:06 pm
by sorin_ristache
Hello Colan,

FOP performance will not be much better if you use this kind of lines instead of tables. Using tables will not make performance bad. You can give more memory to FOP from Options -> Preferences -> XSLT/FO -> FO processors -> Memory available to the built-in FOP and see if performance will become better.
