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xproc: how do I reference a library of steps

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:52 am
by Doug
How do I reference a library of steps? I'm using Oxygen 14.2. Particularly I want to use cx:recursive-directory-list from xmlns:cx="". Also I will soon want to have a library of my own steps. From examples I've found on the web cx:recursive-directory-list requires a path attribute but I'm getting the following error:

System ID: J:\work\e60s03-sample\xproc\checkConversion.xpl
Main validation file: J:\work\e60s03-sample\xproc\checkConversion.xpl
Engine name: Calabash XProc
Severity: error
Description: err:XS0010 : Undeclared option specified: path (It is a static error if a pipeline contains a step whose specified inputs, outputs, and options do not match the signature for steps of that type.)
Start location: 10:0

Here's my xproc code:

Code: Select all

 <p:pipeline xmlns:p="" xmlns:c=""
version="1.0" xmlns:cx="" type="cx:recursive-directory-list" xmlns:saxon=""
name="myPipeline" xmlns:xsl="" >
<p:import href=""/>
<p:variable name="path" select="'../documents/'"/>


<cx:recursive-directory-list name="documents-dir">
<p:with-option name="path" select="p:resolve-uri($path)"/>



Re: xproc: how do I reference a library of steps

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:06 pm
by Radu
Hi Doug,

We are not really XProc Calabash experts so maybe you should also register on the XProc mailing list and ask the question there:

From what I looked through the Calabash implementation, it seems that you need to set version="2.0" to the pipeline root element instead of 1.0.
