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Common Continuous Integration / Deployment patterns

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:35 am
by farukhcasy2
For those of you who have XSLT / XSpec heavy workloads, what are some common CI/CD patterns you employ for automated testing, code quality, and deployment?

I'm getting gitlab runners setup for my organization and am putting together a quick bash script to automatically run transformation scenarios found withing an Oxygen project file using saxon and will likely expand that to XSpec scenarios as well and it has me wondering what common CI tasks others use. vshare

Re: Common Continuous Integration / Deployment patterns

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:50 pm
by Radu

If you want to pose this question to the Oxygen users, the forum is a place where most people are registered to receive answers to their own question threads. Maybe you can register and ask on the Oxygen users list:

There is also an XSpec users list:

We (the Oxygen team) do not (yet) have XSpec automated tests running on our side. All our tests which are involved with running XSLT are done in Java with the JUnit framework.

An open source project which I know has a bunch of XSpec tests is the DITA Open Toolkit:

As far as I know they have a gradle script which runs the tests every time content is changed in the project.


Re: Common Continuous Integration / Deployment patterns

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:23 am
by jukeboxdam
I wrote a small bash script to automatically execute transformation scenarios discovered inside an Oxygen project file using saxon; I want to extend this to include XSpec scenarios; this got me thinking about the other frequent CI jobsphrazle people use.

Re: Common Continuous Integration / Deployment patterns

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:46 pm
by panceta
Thanks for the resources, Radu.