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Duplicated Topics in PDF-Output?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:26 pm
by MissRobin
Hi everyone,

I encountered a problem creating pdf-output with the DITA-OT-Plugin in Oxygen and hope you can help me out.

I set args.rellinks to nofamily, in order to only include reltable-based links.
The linking itself works just fine.

My problem is: The topics that are included in the relationship table are published twice in a row in my output?

The structure of my master map looks like this, in case that is important:

Code: Select all

<title>Master </title>
<mapref href="a.ditamap" product="x"/>
<mapref href="b.ditamap" product="y" toc="no"/>
<mapref href="c.ditamap" product="x" toc="no"/>
<mapref href="e.ditamap" product="x"/>
<mapref href="f.ditamap" product="x"></mapref>

<reltable title="Rel">
<relcolspec type="task"/>
<relcolspec type="concept"/>
<topicref href="folder/folder/task.dita"/>
<topicref href="folder/folder/concept.dita"/>
Tried placing the reltable into its own, nested map. Also placed it into on of the other maps (a.ditamap) where the two topics that are referenced in the reltable are originally referenced. Same thing happened.

I’m pretty new to both DITA and Oxygen and would really appreciate your help.


Re: Duplicated Topics in PDF-Output?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 12:04 pm
by Radu

Are you sure the problem for the duplicate topic content is caused by the relationship table? For example if you comment or remove it, then publish, do you obtain the content for those particular topics output only once in the PDF?
Usually in such cases a topic's content is shown twice or more times in the PDF because the topic is referenced more than one time in the hierarchy of DITA Maps.
If this is not the case for you, please try to create a small sample DITA project (one or two maps, two-three topics) and send it to us (

One more thing, the 'toc="no"' attribute you set on DITA Map references means that the topics referenced in the DITA Map will not appear in the table of contents which is presented at the beginning of the PDF. But they will still appear in the PDF content.



Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:45 pm
by MissRobin
Hi Radu,

thanks for your quick response and your help.

I triple-checked everything today and it really only happened when the relationship table was in the map. Topics were only duplicated in the PDF output – XHTML was fine - and no topics were referenced twice.

I found out what the problem was while putting together that sample DITA project for you.
Problem was that some of the folders I referenced topics from had blank spaces within their names. They were named ‘Map Introduction’ or somesuch.

The XHTML-output had no problems at all, but the PDF-output glitched up as soon as I put a reltable into my master-map. So it must've been the combination of ‘blanks within folder names + PDF output + relationship table’ that caused the weird problem with duplicated topics.

When I removed the blanks from my folders and updated the references within my maps and reltables accordingly, topics were not duplicated anymore in my output. =)

Thank you very much for your help again - without putting together that sample project I would have been lost.


Re: Duplicated Topics in PDF-Output?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 8:43 am
by Radu
Hi MissRobin,

I'm glad it works for you now. If the spaces in the file or folder names produced this effect, it looks like a bug in the publishing engine. If at some point you will have the time to put together a few sample files with spaces in their name to reproduce the issue, please send them to and we'll try to look into this problem and fix it.


Re: Duplicated Topics in PDF-Output?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:47 pm
by MissRobin
Hi Radu,

just sent you the file. =)


Re: Duplicated Topics in PDF-Output?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:20 pm
by Radu
Hi MissRobin,

Thanks for the samples. I reproduced the problem when producing a PDF using the DITA Open Toolkit 1.8 which is bundled with Oxygen 17 and older.
I also tested the issue with DITA Open Toolkit 2.0 and the issue seems to have been fixed there. So a future version of Oxygen which will come with DITA OT 2.0 will have this issue fixed.
