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TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:03 am
by Luca

I am trying to transform an ODD TEI in to Relax NG.
However, it always fails and displays in the console ANT :

Code: Select all

Failed to
I don't know what it means. Does this have something to do with Java (jre)?

thanks, Lucas

<oXygen/> XML Editor 21.0, build 2019120214

Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:17 pm
by alex_jitianu

Can you post the entire log from the console? The "ODD TEI in to Relax NG" transformation is an ANT transformation. We can then see which ant.jar is added in the command and if it's present or missing from your system.

Best regards,

Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 9:26 pm
by Luca
Hello Alex,

Sorry for the delay.

Of course, here is the entire console log report :

Code: Select all

"/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/.install4j/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java" -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx256m -classpath "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar" "-Dant.home=/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/classes" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenAuthor.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenDeveloper.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenEclipse.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-patched-resolver.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-patched-xerces.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-patched-saxon-9.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/saxon9-sql.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/saxon.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/xml-apis-ext.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/log4j.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-basic-utilities.jar" -f "/Users/lucasterriel/Library/Preferences/com.oxygenxml/extensions/v21.1/frameworks/https___www.tei_c.org_release_oxygen_updateSite.oxygen/tei/xml/tei/stylesheet/relaxng/build-to.xml" "-DdefaultSource=file:/Users/lucasterriel/Library/Preferences/com.oxygenxml/extensions/v21.1/frameworks/https___www.tei_c.org_release_oxygen_updateSite.oxygen/tei/xml/tei/odd/p5subset.xml" "-DinputFile=/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:autres/ENC-M2/Exs_XML:TEI/MRV/MRV.xml" "-Dlang=en" "-DoutputFile=/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:autres/ENC-M2/Exs_XML:TEI/MRV/out/MRV.rng" "-Doxygenlib=/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib" "-Dprofile=default" "-Dwebhelp.trial.license=no"

Failed to
ant.home: /Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant
Classpath: /Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/classes:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenAuthor.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenDeveloper.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenEclipse.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-patched-resolver.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-patched-xerces.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-patched-saxon-9.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/saxon9-sql.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/saxon.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/xml-apis-ext.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/log4j.jar:/Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-basic-utilities.jar
Launcher JAR: /Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar
Launcher Directory: /Users/lucasterriel/Desktop/Fichiers_Dev/Programation-ENC:/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant/lib

The process finished with exit code: 2


Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:23 pm
by alex_jitianu
Hello Lucas,

Does it behave the same after an Oxygen restart? I've seen this before when you start Oxygen and then you move its directory in the file system.

If you take a look at "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant" do you see a lib directory that contains a lot of jars, including ant.jar?

Best regards,

Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 2:07 pm
by Luca

I have reinstalled Oxygen three times and the error is recurring.

However, I don't really understand when you say :
then you move its directory in the file system
I don't move anything when I install Oxygen, I simply move the file "Oxygen XML Editor" to the file "Applications"

Indeed, I do have a lib directory located "/ Applications / Oxygen XML Editor / tools / ant" containing many .jar files, including ant.jar



Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:16 pm
by alex_jitianu
I don't move anything when I install Oxygen, I simply move the file "Oxygen XML Editor" to the file "Applications"
Before installing the new version, please uninstall the previous version present inside "Applications". Choosing "Replace" in the dialog that pops up when another version is detected also works. Does this change anything for the better?

Best regards,

Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 2:46 am
by dnllrchr
I have the same problem, with no success.

Re: TEI ODD Transformation fail - ant.main

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 4:32 pm
by alex_jitianu

Can you send us the full log on

When you open the XML document, please go to Window->Show view and select the Properties view. Click inside the view adn then press Ctrl+A to select all entries and then Ctrl+C to copy the information. Attach this information to the email.

Best regards,