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Include multiple webhelp.custom.resources paths

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:39 pm
by kenrao

I'm trying out the following scenario for generating the webhelp output along with PDFs:

For the PDF transformation, I've set the output folder to ${cfd}/pdfs. And for the webhelp trasnformation, I've set the same folder as the webhelp.custom.resources parameter. And this works fine when I select the corresponding ditamap files in the Project tab and choose Transform > Apply Transformation Scenarios. The PDF generates first and gets stored in the ${cfd}/pdfs folder, and when the webhelp transformation starts, it picks up the PDFs from the same path and places them in the output.

However, when the PDF generates, it deletes everything from the ${cfd}/pdfs folder. I have an extra splash.jpg image that's placed in the same ${cfd}/pdfs folder and needs to be copied to the webhelp output folder, but gets gets deleted. So, was wondering if we could specify two webhelp.custom.resources paths. I tried ${cfd}/pdfs;${cfd}/splash but this didn't work.

I also tried adding this in my template.opt file as a file path under resources. For example, <include name="splash.jpg"/>. And while this works, it places the splash.jpg file in the webhelp-responsive/oxygen-webhelp/template folder along with the CSS files. I need it to be directly under webhelp-responsive folder.

Could I get either of these methods to work? Thanks!


Re: Include multiple webhelp.custom.resources paths

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:54 pm
by kenrao
Also, I forgot to mention that for the PDF transformation, the clean.output parameter is set to no. Yet the output folder gets cleaned each time.


Re: Include multiple webhelp.custom.resources paths

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:51 am
by kenrao

I've got a workaround and it seems to work if I use sub-folders. For example, I've set the PDF transformation output directory as ${cfd}/resources/pdfs, and for the webhelp transformation, I've set the webhelp.custom.resources parameter as ${cfd}/resources. The splash.jpg file is placed in the /resources folder and doesn't get deleted when the PDFs generate in the /resources/pdfs folder. And the whole resources folder gets copied into my webhelp output.
