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Changes to CSS styling of figcaption elements (WebHelp)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:22 pm
by tonra

I've noticed changes regarding the CSS styling of figcaption elements. When running a build locally with Oxygen 21.1, everything is fine. As defined in commonltr.css, figcap class' font-style is italic. When running a build on the server, there's a CSS property from elements.css overriding the property defined in commonltr.css. As it's annotated with "The CJK fonts do not support italic" even though I'm not using CJK fonts, I assume it's a kind of bug that this CSS property is used for non-CJK content.

Apart from that, the colon after the figtitleprefix ("Figure" etc.) is missing in case of the server builds.
This behavior applies to the Oxygen Webhelp resources, too (see attachment).

I've already set a new CSS property to make the font-style italic again but I'm wondering if it's an intentional change and I'd like to restore the colon, as well. When using ::after, there's always a superfluous blank space between "Figure" and the colon.

Best regards,
Fig_caption.png (109.78 KiB) Viewed 1403 times

Re: Changes to CSS styling of figcaption elements (WebHelp)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:57 pm
by radu_pisoi

Indeed, it is an issue in version 22. The colon sign(:) is not generated for figure's caption in the WebHelp output.

I have register this issue and it will be fixed in the next version.

If this issue is important for you, please contact us on We can give you an XSLT patch and instructions how to install it.

Re: Changes to CSS styling of figcaption elements (WebHelp)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 1:12 pm
by julien_lacour

The colon sign issue is now fixed in Oxygen 22.1.
