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Cross reference automatically uses title

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:14 am
by mdslup
Whenever I set up a cross-reference, I type the title of the topic that I want the reference to point to. Then, I turn that text into a link.

However, I'd like to be able to set up a link such that the title is automatically generated in the link in the topic that I am creating the link in. This way, if I ever change the title, it's updated automatically. Is this possible?

Re: Cross reference automatically uses title

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:55 am
by Radu

If you insert a DITA <xref> or related link to a certain target element which has a title (topic, section, table, figure) and you leave that link element empty, the publishing should automatically compute the link text based on the target.
