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Unable to transform docx into dita

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:42 pm
by edouthwaite

I am on a Mac using Oxygen XML Editor 20.1, attempting to convert Word docx documents into dita format.

Following the instructions in step 4 ... -dita.html (using the transformation on document.xml), I get a pop-up:

Cannot open the specified file.
no protocol: /Users/eouthwaite/examples/out/letter-test.ditamap

The ditamap extension is associated with Oxygen XML Editor as are xml and dita.

I have tried this on several word docx files with the same results.

The ant output itself shows no errors:

Code: Select all

"/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/.install4j/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java" -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx256m -classpath "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar" "-Dant.home=/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/tools/ant" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/classes" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenAuthor.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenDeveloper.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenEclipse.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/oxygen-basic-utilities.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/resolver.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/xercesImpl.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/saxon9ee.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/saxon.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/xml-apis-ext.jar" -lib "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/lib/log4j.jar" -f "/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/build-word2dita.xml" "-Dw2d.out.dir=/Users/mylogin/examples/out" "-Dw2d.temp.dir=/Users/mylogin/examples/temp" "-Dword.doc=/Users/mylogin/examples/Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended.docx" "-Dwebhelp.trial.license=no"

Buildfile: /Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/build-word2dita.xml



[echo] +++ word2dita-specific properties:
[echo] #Ant properties
[echo] #Mon Jan 21 11:17:31 GMT 2019
[echo] w2d.base.dir=/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita
[echo] w2d.clean.output.dir=false
[echo] w2d.debug.xslt=false
[echo] w2d.defaultStyleToTagMap=/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml
[echo] w2d.generate.navtitles=true
[echo] w2d.have.word.doc=true
[echo] w2d.language=en-US
[echo] w2d.out.dir=/Users/mylogin/examples/out
[echo] about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended
[echo] XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml
[echo] w2d.temp.dir=/Users/mylogin/examples/temp
[echo] w2d.topic.extension=.dita
[echo] w2d.word2dita.xslt=/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/docx2dita.xsl

[mkdir] Created dir: /Users/mylogin/examples/temp

[unzip] Expanding: /Users/mylogin/examples/Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended.docx into /Users/mylogin/examples/temp/Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended
[echo]'/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml'


[echo] [INFO] Creating output directory /Users/mylogin/examples/out...
[echo] [INFO] Creating output file
[mkdir] Created dir: /Users/mylogin/examples/out
[echo] [INFO] Generating DITA documents from Word document in output directory /Users/mylogin/examples/out...
[echo] [INFO] Using XSLT /Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/docx2dita.xsl...
[xslt] Processing /Users/mylogin/examples/temp/Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended/word/document.xml to /Users/mylogin/examples/out/
[xslt] Loading stylesheet /Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/docx2dita.xsl
[xslt] ==========================================
[xslt] DOCX 2 DITA
[xslt] Version: ^version^ - build ^buildnumber^ at ^timestamp^
[xslt] Parameters:
[xslt] + styleMapUri = "file:/Applications/Oxygen%20XML%20Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml"
[xslt] + mediaDirUri = "file:/Users/mylogin/examples/out/topics/media"
[xslt] + rootMapName = "Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended"
[xslt] + rootTopicName = "Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended" (Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended)
[xslt] + submapNamePrefix= "map"
[xslt] + rootMapUrl = "Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended.ditamap"
[xslt] + rootTopicUrl = "Letter about Somewhere July 2019 with forms attached amended.dita"
[xslt] + topicExtension = ".dita"
[xslt] + fileNamePrefix = ""
[xslt] + filterBr = "false"
[xslt] + filterTabs = "false"
[xslt] + language = "en-US"
[xslt] + outputDir = "file:/Users/mylogin/examples/out/"
[xslt] + debug = "false"
[xslt] + includeWordBackPointers= "true"
[xslt] + chartsAsTables = "false"
[xslt] + saveIntermediateDocs = "false"
[xslt] + tableWidthsProportional = "false" (false)
[xslt] Global Variables:
[xslt] + platform = "nx"
[xslt] + debugBoolean = "false"
[xslt] + doSaveIntermediateDocs = "false"
[xslt] ==========================================
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] Generating initial simple WP doc....
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] wordml2simple: Processing DOCX document.xml file to generate intermediate simpleML XML...
[xslt] + [INFO] styleMap=file:/Applications/Oxygen%20XML%20Editor/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT2.x/plugins/org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml
[xslt] + [INFO] Found 2 font-to-Unicode maps
[xslt] + [INFO] - font2UnicodeMapSymbol.xml
[xslt] + [INFO] - font2UnicodeMapWingdings.xml
[xslt] - [WARNING: No style mapping for paragraph with style "List Paragraph" [ListParagraph]
[xslt] - [WARNING: No style mapping for paragraph with style "List Paragraph" [ListParagraph]
[xslt] - [WARNING: No style mapping for paragraph with style "List Paragraph" [ListParagraph]
[xslt] - [WARNING: No style mapping for paragraph with style "List Paragraph" [ListParagraph]
[xslt] + [INFO] wordml2simple: Intermediate simpleML document generated.
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] Doing level fixup....
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] Doing general simpleWpDoc fixup....
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] Generating DITA result....
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[xslt] + [INFO]
[xslt] + [INFO] simple2dita: Processing intermediate simpleML XML to generate DITA XML...
[xslt] + [INFO]
[xslt] + [INFO] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[xslt] + [INFO] simple2dita: Phase 1: Generate DITA maps and topics as a single XML document....
[xslt] + [DEBUG] saving $resultDocs to
[xslt] file:/Users/mylogin/examples/out/resultDocs.xml
[xslt] + [INFO] simple2dita: Fixing up xrefs in the result documents...
[xslt] + [DEBUG] saving $resultDocsFixedUp to
[xslt] file:/Users/mylogin/examples/out/resultDocsFixedUp.xml
[xslt] + [INFO] simple2dita: Phase 2: Generate the result map and topic documents...
[xslt] + [INFO] simple2dita: Done processing simpleML document.
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[xslt] + [INFO] Done.
[xslt] + [INFO] ====================================
[echo] [INFO] Transform complete



Total time: 2 seconds

The process finished with exit code: 0

Re: Unable to transform docx into dita

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:02 pm
by Radu
Hi Ed,

Oxygen attempts to open a DITA map from the output folder but it might not have been automatically generated.
If the transformation is successful you should look in the output folder "/Users/mylogin/examples/out/" and see what was generated.
I do not know much about the plugin, you could also ask around on the DITA Users List (Yahoo Groups), the developer of the plugin (Eliot Kimber) is registered there and he may be able to help you further.


Re: Unable to transform docx into dita

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:12 am
by xmluser
Is there another answer to this? The DITA map does not show up in the Output file, as it normally does. Thanks.

Re: Unable to transform docx into dita

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:53 am
by Radu

If you can provide a sample Word document via email ( best I could do would be to try to find some time to look more into this. But I do not guarantee a fix. There is a troubleshooting section in the Word to DITA plugin user's guide but I'm not sure how helpful it is: ... 2dita.html
