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A sample table in a cell

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:38 am
by chrupek

I have a table that discusses different table options. In some cells I have sample tables to illustrate that options. When validating the document, I get the following error:

Unexpected element "table". The content of the parent element type must match "(dl|parml|fig|syntaxdiagram|imagemap|image|lines|lq|note|hazardstatement|object|ol|p|pre|codeblock|msgblock|screen|sl|ul|boolean|cite|keyword|button-element|link-element|interface-tag|interface-attribute|interface-attribute-value|interface-template|api-call|http-method|http-response|apiname|option|parmname|cmdname|msgnum|varname|wintitle|ph|b|i|sup|sub|tt|u|codeph|synph|filepath|msgph|systemoutput|userinput|menucascade|uicontrol|q|term|abbreviated-form|tm|xref|state|data|data-about|foreign|unknown|draft-comment|fn|indextermref|indexterm|required-cleanup)".

Can I "pack" my table into any of these elements to avoid the error?

Re: A sample table in a cell

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:50 am
by sorin_carbunaru

As explained in the DITA styleguide, yes you can create nested tables by wrapping the second table in a paragraph, but nested tables should usually be avoided.

By the way, from what I noticed, using the "Insert table" action from the toolbar automatically creates the proper structure for nested tables.

Best wishes,
Sorin Carbunaru
oXygen XML

Re: A sample table in a cell

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:13 am
by chrupek
Hei Sorin,

thanks a lot for help!