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Author mode, support for CSS Fonts Module level 3

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:28 pm
by whyme
A helpful addition to the Author mode would be support for CSS Fonts Module level 3.

The request is prompted because I am working with a font that has contextual alternates and CSS such as this, which picks the 27th variant of a particular glyph; it works fine in most major browsers:

Code: Select all

*.ar-cv-n27 {
-moz-font-feature-settings : "calt=1" , "cv01=27" ;
-webkit-font-feature-settings : "calt" 1 , "cv01" 27 ;
-ms-font-feature-settings : "calt" 1 , "cv01" 27 ;
-o-font-feature-settings : "calt" 1 , "cv01" 27 ;
font-feature-settings : "calt" 1 , "cv01" 27 ;
Context and further examples here.

Re: Author mode, support for CSS Fonts Module level 3

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:19 pm
by Radu

I will register an issue for this but I'm not sure when or if we'll approach it. The surest approach to seeing how the HTML will look like is to use a web browser.
