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Dynamic abbreviations

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:23 pm
by sebastienlavandier

I work with the Author component, and I want to know If it's possible to activate/implement a Dynamic abbreviations of term like (ILW) + CTRL SPACE => I LOVE WRITE.

Do you have an idea about this ?
Thanks in advance for your help.


Re: Dynamic abbreviations

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:28 pm
by alex_jitianu

I believe that author actions can also be seen as "Dynamic abbreviations". The user presses ENTER then writes a part from the action's name (the abbreviation) and when executing the actions the expanded content is inserted.

Another way would be through the Code templates support. You would have to configure these code templates in an Oxygen standalone and then pass them as Customized Default Options. A code templates is invoked in the author page just like an author action: you press ENTER and then write the abbreviation.

Best regards,