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Avoid deleting temp folder and debugging

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:30 pm
by anderszvensson

I want to debug dita ot for pdf rendering, and found this post:

However, the temp folder mentioned in this post is deleted everytime I render a ditamap. I know a way to fix it by giving myself change privileges on the dita ot folder and then modifying the build file by commenting out the clean-temp directive. But I feel there should be another way to do this, since it is mentioned in the above post as something that should be there by default... Is there something wrong with my configuration, and if so is there a way to modify this from within Oxygen?

Also, the post suggests that you should debug by selecting the topic2fo_shell.xsl, which in a way makes sense, but I don't know how that is going to work with the custom xsl's, since those are referenced in the topic2fo_shell using the special paths with cfg:fo in the beginning? (<xsl:import href="cfg:fo/xsl/custom.xsl"></xsl:import>). Do you have to change these to regular absolute or relative paths before the debugging, and then change it back after to be able to use the catalog for choosing custom stylesheets?



Re: Avoid deleting temp folder and debugging

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:54 pm
by Radu
Hello Anders,

In the DITA Map transformation scenario in the Parameters tab there is a clean.temp parameter. Its default value is yes so you should edit and change it to no.

Oxygen usually invokes the DITA Open Toolkit as an external process and the DITA OT of course takes care to read different catalog files.
In the Oxygen Preferences XML / XML Catalog page you will have to add an addional catalog to point to OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/demo/fo/cfg/catalog.xml. This particular catalog is the one used to resolve the cfg: references and Oxygen by default does not know about it.
