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When will 1.2.5 be available? Need CodeInsight for XMLSchema

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:49 pm
by peahayes
Hi, oXygen writers,

I am very excited about this product and will probably be buying several copies for myself and coworkers. Can you tell me when the new version which fixes the XMLSchema/CodeInsight problem? (I hope I haven't missed the answer to this question elsewhere).

Thanks -


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:20 am
by george
Hi Pam,

There is an workaround for this problem, please see:

Official Bug List
The CodeInsight does not work when editing XMLSchemas

The next release will be version 2.0 at the end on March. The major features are:
- spell cheking
- tree view/edit support
- configurable external tools
- generate document instances from Schema/DTD if possible
- soft wrapping
- line numbers
and more.

Best Regards,