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Generating DITA From Within OxygenXML - Help!

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:54 pm
by TamasB

I'd like to ask for assistance with transforming a DOCX file (99 pages, Word styles defined and applied correctly) into DITA. I've been following the following procedure: ... xygen.html
  • In step 5 I secelcted "XSLT Transormation"
  • In step 6 I selected the two parameters: outputDir and styleMapUri by double clicking (ie. not defining any custom values, not sure if I have to, and if yes, what values)
I think the rest of the procedure is straightforward. When I run the transformation, however, I get the following error message:

Errors were reported during stylesheet compilation

System ID: C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 21\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT3.x\plugins\org.dita4publishers.word2dita\xsl\wordml2simple.xsl
Scenario: docx2dita_1
XSL file: C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 21\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT3.x\plugins\org.dita4publishers.word2dita\xsl\docx2dita.xsl
XML file: zip:file:/C:/Users/TamásBoronyák/Autotask Workplace/HPE TAS/3.2/02_input/dita-migration/no_trackchange/HPE_MSE_MRF_Adapter_User_Guide.docx!/word/document.xml
Engine name: Saxon-PE
Severity: fatal
Description: Cannot find a 1-argument function named {java:com.oxygenxml.dita.xsltextensions.Path}evaluate(). For diagnostics on calls to Java methods, use the -TJ command line option or set the Configuration property FeatureKeys.TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS
Start location: 280:62

Can someone please point out what could've gone wrong?

Re: Generating DITA From Within OxygenXML - Help!

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:52 am
by Radu

If you open the DOCX file in Oxygen (in the Archive Browser view) and from it you open the "document.xml", click the "Configure Transformation Scenarios" toolbar button, there is a transformation scenario called "DOCX DITA" which should work for what you need.
In your case, as you created an XSLT transformation scenario, you need to edit the transformation scenario, click the "Extensions" button and add a reference to the library ${frameworks}/dita/DITA-OT3.x/plugins/com.oxygenxml.common/lib/oxygen-dita-publishing-xslt-extensions.jar.

Or another approach is to use our Oxygen XML batch convertor add-on:
