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How to remove "Table of Contents" level at top of TOC?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:43 am
by kgajda
Is there a way to suppress the "Table of Contents" Topic Set that contains all of the topics in my TOC in my responsive webhelp? That is to say, I would like my sideTOC to start with the first topic in the map rather than listing "Table of Contents" above it.
I tried setting its toc attribute to "no", but that then filters down to everything under it and nothing shows up.
Thanks so much for your help!

Re: How to remove "Table of Contents" level at top of TOC?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:36 pm
by Costin
Hi Kim,

It is not very clear what you mean by
suppress the "Table of Contents" Topic Set that contains all of the topics in my TOC

- In case you need all the links to be presented in the side TOC, or just specific parts (like the current topic and its children, or current topic and its children and ancestors) there is a parameter which you could use to control that.
You should edit your WebHelp Responsive transformation scenario, go to the "Parameters" tab and look for the "webhelp.side.toc.links". You have three options you could set as values: "topic", "chapter" and "all".

- Another guess is that you might have some topirefs in your DITA Map declared as children of a <topichead/> element and you need only the referred topics to be displayed in the TOC. If that's the case, you could either set the toc="no" attribute on it, or just remove the topichead element, as - once you decide you do not need it to be included in the TOC - it pretty looses its purpose. On the other hand, if for some reason you decide to keep the topichead element and choose to proceed by setting the "toc" attribute to "no" on your topichead, this would also suppress its children topic references from being displayed in the TOC, unless you explicitly set the toc="yes" attribute on each of them.

If neither of the above suggestions helps in what you wish to achieve, could you please provide more details and a screenshot depicting what you need to suppress?
Also, if possible, please send a snippet with the definition of the element you need to hide from TOC, the way it is currently defined in your DITA Map.
