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Webhelp classic how to create friendly urls

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:12 am
by jojobar
I am trying to configure docbook webhelp classic. It creates url like http://.../.../#ch05s03s01s01.html. I would like it to be more user friendly using topic names of chapters and sections, for example:something like http://.../.../ etc.

I have seen this in many help files created using docbook. I am wondering if anyone knows of a setting in OxygenXml that can achieve this.

Re: Webhelp classic how to create friendly urls

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:09 pm
by radu_pisoi

You can control the names generated by the Docbook chunking mechanism by using the dbhtml processing instruction embedded in the element:

Code: Select all

<chapter><?dbhtml filename="intro.html" ?>
Another solution is to specify the id attribute for all elements that start a chunk, case when this attribute value will be used to establish a chunk filename. This behavior is controlled by the parameter that should be set to a non-zero value.

Please see more details in Chunking into multiple HTML files topic from the Docbook documentation: