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New Maven Project

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:12 pm
by ashukuma
Hi Team,

I followed the steps given in ... figuration to create new Maven projects so that I can get all the samples as suggested in the above link.

But, on click on OK after adding the archetype, I am getting the below error.

Can't resolve Archetype com.oxygenxml.samples:oxygen-sdk-samples-archetype:16.1.1
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Could not resolve artifact com.oxygenxml.samples:oxygen-sdk-samples-archetype:pom:16.1.1

Can you please help me in solving this issue?

Re: New Maven Project

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:10 pm
by Radu

The link which you pasted above suggests that you should make some changes to your .m2/settings.xml. Also if you are behind a proxy web server the same page explains how to add a web proxy in the settings.xml
Did you make the suggested changes? Can you paste the contents of your settings.xml in your reply?

Could you also try to create the maven archetype using the command line? The same Maven configuration help file has a section called Creating a Startup Project Sample From Command Line which explains how this can be done.
