XPath Builder View
The XPath/XQuery Builder view allows you to compose complex XPath
expressions and execute them over the currently edited XML document. For XPath 2.0 / 3.1, you
can use the
function to specify the source file that will have the
expressions executed. When you connect to a database, the expressions are executed over
that database. If you are using the XPath/XQuery Builder view and the
current file is an XSLT document, Oxygen XML Editor executes the expressions over the XML
document in the associated scenario.Note:
If an XPath expression is run over a JSON document,
it is converted to XML and the XPath is executed over the converted XML document.
If the view is not displayed, it can be opened by selecting it from the menu. You
can also open it simply by pressing the Switch
to XPath Builder View button that is located on the XPath toolbar.
The upper part of the view contains the following actions:
- XPath version chooser drop-down menu
- A drop-down menu that allows you to select the type of the expression you want to
execute. You can choose between:
- XPath 1.0 (Xerces-driven)
- XPath 2.0, XPath 2.0 SA, XPath 3.1, XPath 3.1 SA, Saxon-HE XQuery, Saxon-PE XQuery, or Saxon-EE XQuery (all of them are Saxon-driven)
- Custom connection to XML databases that can execute XQuery expressionsNote:The results returned by XPath 2.0 SA and XPath 3.1 SA have a location limited to the line number of the start element (there are no column information and no end specified).Note:Oxygen XML Editor uses Saxon to execute XPath 3.1 expressions. Since Saxon implements a part of the 3.1 functions, when using a function that is not implemented, Oxygen XML Editor returns a compilation error.
Execute XPath button
- Use this button to start the execution of the XPath or XQuery expression you are editing. The result of the execution is displayed in the Results view view.
Favorites button
- Allows you to save certain expressions that you can later reuse. To add an expression as a favorite, click this button and enter a name for it. The star turns yellow to confirm that the expression was saved. Expand the drop-down menu next to the star button to see all your favorites. Oxygen XML Editor automatically groups favorites in folders named after the method of execution.
History drop-down menu
- Keeps a list of the last 15 executed XPath expressions. Use the
Clear history action from the bottom of the list to remove them.
Settings drop-down menu
Contains the following three options:
Update on cursor move
- When selected and you navigate through a document, the XPath expression corresponding to the XML node at the current cursor position is displayed. For JSON documents, it displays the XPath expression for the current property.
Evaluate as you type
- When you select this option, the XPath expression you are composing is evaluated in
real time.Note:This option and the automatic validation are disabled when you edit huge documents or when the scope is other than Current file.
- Opens the Preferences page of the currently selected processing engine.
- XPath scope menu
Oxygen XML Editor allows you to define a scope for the XPath operation to be executed. You can choose where the XPath expression will be executed:
Current file - Currently selected file only.
Project - All the files in the project.
Selected project resources - The files selected in the project.
All opened files - All files that are opened in the application.
Current DITA Map hierarchy - All resources referenced in the currently selected DITA map that is open in the DITA Maps Manager view.
Opened archive - Files that are opened in the Archive Browser view.
Working sets - The selected working sets.
At the bottom of the scope menu the following scope configuration actions are available:Configure XPath working sets - Allows you to configure and manage collections of files and folders, encapsulated in logical containers called working sets.
XPath file filter - You can filter the files from the selected scope that will have the XPath expression executed. By default, the XPath expression will be executed only on XML or JSON files, but you can also define a set of patterns that will filter out files from the current scope. If you select the Include archive option, the XPath expression will be also executed on the files in any archive (including EPUB and DocX) found at the current scope.

While you edit an XPath or XQuery expression, Oxygen XML Editor assists you with the
following features:
- Content Completion Assistant - It offers context-dependent proposals and takes into account the cursor position in the document you are editing. The set of functions proposed by the Content Completion Assistant also depends on the engine version. Select the engine version from the drop-down menu available in the toolbar.
- Syntax Highlighting - Allows you to identify the components of an expression. To customize the colors of the components of the expression, open the Preferences dialog box and go to .
- Automatic validation of the expression as you type.Note:When you type invalid syntax, a red serrated line underlines the invalid fragments.
- Function signature and documentation balloon, when the cursor is located inside a function.
The usual edit actions (Cut,
Paste, Select
Redo) are available in the
contextual menu of the top editable part of the view.