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Re: [xsl] Creating new, distinct groups of ranges from an aggregation of individual ranges

Subject: Re: [xsl] Creating new, distinct groups of ranges from an aggregation of individual ranges
From: "Michael Friedman sumarimike@xxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:53:21 -0000

Greetings,Note: My first reply email was too long and was rejected by the
system. I hope this one is shorter. I removed the output, but it can be
reproduced using the below.
Wow - great suggestions and assistance. Heiko, your solution is very promising
and is one I started testing. To answer your question, the gap you identified
should be missing. These new ranges only show what SHOULD be output in the
final XSLFO, so the gaps need to be omitted. Great catch.I'm including some
excerpts of the current state of real data, your stylesheet with some
modifications. I think the output is very close. I picked the worst scenario I
could find in the ginormous data set I have. In my first email, I was
abstractly describing the problem while I started to tackle the real code. My
source data is formatted somewhat different than what I first described, but
with an almost working solution, I'm going to include something very close to
the actual code.My actual source XML is stored in multiple ranges. The ranges
are formatted as a string of 8 characters with a space between range sets.
I've modified the stylesheet to handle this structure. There is also a problem
or two with the source data (see range 4010405, which is missing the leading
zero. I add it in the stylesheet).I've collected the source ranges from actual
XML, and converted it to ranges that match the stylesheet. Domain-wise, to
explain: each <aircraft-range> contains a range of numbers. The numbers
represent an individual tail-number of a plane. So the contents of the XML
within the range apply to the various planes with that specific number.
Example: <aircraft-range>02350240</aircraft-range>, means that the content in
that "solution", where the range is, applies to the planes with tail number
235, 236, 237, 238, 239, and 240. Not to any other planes in the rest of the
group.Actual ranges in
XML:-----------------------------<group><aircraft-range>02010222 02250226 0228
0232 02350240 04010405 0408 0411
04150416</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02010218 02200222 02250226 0228
>4010405 0408 0411 04150416</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02130217 02570261
02860287 04010405 0408 0411 04150416</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02510252
02550287 0290 0292 0296</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02510252 02550287 0290
0292 0296
ange>0205 0205</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02110212 0235 02390240 02620263
02670269 0408 0453 04560460</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02080210 02130218
02200222 02250226 0228 0232 02360238 02510252 02550261 02640266 02700287 0290
0292 0296 04010405 0411 04150416 04510452
02060207</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02010222 02250226 0228
0232</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02350240 02510252 02550287 0290 0292 0296
04010405 0408 0411 04150416 04510460</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02010218
02200222 02250226 0228 0232 02350239 02510252 02550287 0290 0292 0296 04010405
0408 0411 04150416</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>0240
range>02140222 02250226 0228 0232 02350240 02510252
02550285</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02860287 0290 0292 0296 04010405 0408
0411 04150416 04510460</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02010222 02250226 0228
0232 0235 02510252 02550285 04010405 0408 0411
04150416</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02350240 02860287 0290 0292 0296
04510460</aircraft-range><aircraft-range>02350240 0290 0292 0296
The XSLT:-------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- 2014 Michael
Friedman --><!-- 2014 with help from Heiko Niemann and others via XSLT Guru
list at Mulberry Tech --><!DOCTYPE stylesheet [<!ENTITY lb
"&#xA;"]><xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
XMLSchema"version="2.0"> <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"
indent="yes" /> <xsl:template match="/"><xsl:apply-templates
select="//group"/></xsl:template> <xsl:template
match="group"><xsl:comment>[group match]</xsl:comment><!-- Step 1, get the
ranges --><!-- List of ranges, for reference --><xsl:comment>[Group Ranges:
select="descendant::aircraft-range"><xsl:value-of select="concat(position(),':
as="element()+" name="bounds"><xsl:for-each
select="descendant::aircraft-range"><xsl:for-each select="tokenize(string(.),
' ')"><xsl:variable name="start"><xsl:choose><xsl:when
test="string-length(.)=7 and not(starts-with(.,'0'))"><xsl:value-of
ariable name="end"><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="string-length(.)=7 and
-start val="{$start}"/><range-end
val="{$end}"/></xsl:for-each></xsl:for-each></xsl:variable><!-- Step 2, Remove
duplicates and sort the boundaries --><xsl:variable as="element()"
name="grouped"><grouped><xsl:for-each-group select="$bounds"
group-by="@val"><xsl:sort select="@val"/><xsl:sequence
-- Step 3: Adjust for range endings --><xsl:variable as="element()"
select="$grouped/*"><xsl:copy><xsl:copy-of select="@*"/><xsl:choose><xsl:when
test="local-name() = 'range-start'"><xsl:attribute
select="following-sibling::range-start[1]/@val - 1"
select="preceding-sibling::range-end[1]/@val + 1"
group-starting-with="range-start |
range-end[preceding-sibling::*[1]/local-name() eq 'range-end']"
select="$completed/*"><xsl:variable name="range-start"
select="current-group()[local-name() eq 'range-start'][1]"/><xsl:variable
name="range-end" select="current-group()[local-name() eq
'range-end'][1]"/><range><xsl:value-of separator="-"><xsl:sequence
select="($range-start/@val, $range-end/@beg, 'err')[1]"/><xsl:sequence
select="($range-end/@val, $range-start/@end,
I'm currently evaluating the output and hope to work out some of the bugs
myself, as well.

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