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Re: [xsl] Recursive function problem

Subject: Re: [xsl] Recursive function problem
From: Emmanuel Bégué <eb@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 11:10:17 +0200


I'm not sure I understand where you need recursion, but wouldn't this work:

<xsl:template match="*"><!-- will work for elt 'names' -->

<xsl:template match="nameGrp">
		<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>

<xsl:template match="@*"/><!-- filter out unwanted attributes -->

<xsl:template match="@foreNames">
	<fname><xsl:value-of select="."/></fname>
<xsl:template match="@foreTitle">
	<ntitle><xsl:value-of select="."/></ntitle>
<xsl:template match="@mainName">
	<sname><xsl:value-of select="."/></sname>

If you have many attributes to match and don't want to write all those
templates for each one, you can use a key/map like this:

<xsl:key name="dict" match="*" use="@key"/>

<xsl:template match="*"><!-- will work for elt 'names' -->

<xsl:template match="nameGrp">
		<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>

<xsl:template match="@*">
	<xsl:if test="key('dict',local-name(),$attr)">
		<xsl:element name="{key('dict',local-name(),$attr)}">
			<xsl:value-of select="."/>

<xsl:variable name="attr">
	<attr key="foreNames">fname</attr>
	<attr key="foreTitle">ntitle</attr>
	<attr key="mainName">sname</attr>

(This gives the exact same result as the first example, and makes it
easy to add new values or to change values if the target elements


On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Nic Gibson <nicg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good morning
> I'm writing a function to be used as part of a content conversion from one
> DTD to another. The input is in the following form:
> <names>
>    <nameGrp role="editor" foreNames="Donald B."
>        mainName="Redford">Donald B. Redford</nameGrp>
>    <nameGrp
>        foreNames="Thutmose" foreTitle="III">Thutmose III</nameGrp>
> </names>
> and I need to get the output into the form:
> <names>
>    <name><fname>Donald B.</fname> <sname>Redford</sname></name>
>    <name><fname>Thutmose</fname> <ntitle>III</ntitle></name>
> </names>
> I've clearly made an error in the function as the output I am getting is
> on the lines of:
> <names>
>    <name>Donald B. Redford</name>
>    <name>Thutmose III</name>
> </names>
> The relevant portions of the stylesheet are:
> <xsl:stylesheet
>    xmlns:dtg="http://dtg.oup.com/functions"
>    xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
>    xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
>    version="2.0" exclude-result-prefixes="dtg xd xs">
>    <xsl:variable name='name-attrs' select="('foreNames', 'mainName',
>    <xsl:variable name='name-elems' select="('fname', 'sname', 'ntitle')"/>
>    <xsl:template match="/">
>        <names>
>            <xsl:apply-templates select='names/nameGrp'/>
>        </names>
>    </xsl:template>
>    <xsl:template match='nameGrp'>
>        <name>
>            <xsl:copy-of select='@role'/>
>            <xsl:value-of select='dtg:attributes-to-elements(., $name-attrs,
>        </name>
>    </xsl:template>
>    <xsl:function name='dtg:attributes-to-elements'>
>        <xsl:param name="element"/>
>        <xsl:param name='attributes'/>
>        <xsl:param name='elements'/>
>        <!-- only the listed attributes, not all of them -->
>        <xsl:variable name="attribs" select='$element/@*[local-name(.) =
>        <!-- we want the attributes reverse sorted by the length of their
values. -->
>        <xsl:variable name='sorted-attribs' as='item()*'>
>            <xsl:perform-sort select='$attribs' >
>                <xsl:sort select='string-length(string(.))'
>            </xsl:perform-sort>
>        </xsl:variable>
>        <xsl:if test='count($attributes) != count($elements)'>
>            <xsl:message terminate="yes">attributes-to-elements - attribute
and element sequences must be the same size.</xsl:message>
>        </xsl:if>
>        <xsl:value-of select='dtg:attr-to-elem-impl(string($element),
$sorted-attribs, $attributes, $elements)'/>
>    </xsl:function>
>    <xsl:function name="dtg:attr-to-elem-impl">
>        <xsl:param name='source'/>
>        <xsl:param name='input-attribs'/>
>        <xsl:param name='attrib-names'/>
>        <xsl:param name='element-names'/>
>        <xsl:variable name='current-val'
>        <xsl:variable name='current-name'
>        <xsl:variable name='index' select='index-of($attrib-names,
>        <xsl:variable name='output-element'
>        <xsl:variable name="next-attribs" select='$input-attribs[position()
gt 1]'/>
>        <xsl:choose>
>            <xsl:when test="$source = ''">
>                <xsl:value-of select="$source"/>
>            </xsl:when>
>            <xsl:when test="count($input-attribs) = 0">
>                <xsl:value-of select="$source"/>
>            </xsl:when>
>            <xsl:when test="contains($source, $current-val)">
>                <xsl:variable name='new-element'>
>                    <xsl:element name="{$output-element}"><xsl:value-of
>                </xsl:variable>
>                <xsl:variable name='before' select="substring-before($source,
>                <xsl:variable name='after' select="substring-after($source,
>                <xsl:variable name='result-before'
>                    select="dtg:attr-to-elem-impl($before, $next-attribs,
$attrib-names, $element-names)"/>
>                <xsl:variable name='result-after'
>                    select="dtg:attr-to-elem-impl($after, $next-attribs,
$attrib-names, $element-names)"/>
>                <xsl:sequence select="($result-before, $new-element,
>            </xsl:when>
>            <xsl:otherwise>
>                <xsl:sequence select="dtg:attr-to-elem-impl($source,
$next-attribs, $attrib-names, $element-names)"/>
>            </xsl:otherwise>
>        </xsl:choose>
>    </xsl:function>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> The large number of variables is due to my having traced through this in the
oXygen debugger.
> I've seen (in the degugger) that $new-element does contain the element
created but it
> appears to be lost before the result is generated.
> I'm pretty sure the error is in either the variable (new-element) that
should be
> creating the element or in the xsl:sequence instructions. However, I'm
having a failing
> to see the wood for the trees moment. Any pointers would be gratefully
> By the way the recursion for result-before and result-after shoudl be safe
as I know
> that the content of each attribute can only occur once in the text.
> cheers
> nic

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