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Re: [xsl] Move elements to preceding parent

Subject: Re: [xsl] Move elements to preceding parent
From: Israel Viente <israel.viente@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 16:59:11 +0300

I used Catalog to bypass the 503 HTTP errors, and the -expand:off
option on Saxon sure helped to remove almost all the extra attributes
except the xmlns:xsi.

Many thanks.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Martin Honnen<Martin.Honnen@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Israel Viente wrote:
>> Can you please explain the idea of the line:
>>>  <xsl:template match="p[preceding-sibling::p[1][span[@class ne 'chapter']
>>> and not(matches(span[@class ne 'chapter'][last()], '[.?&quot;!]$'))]]"/>
>> Does it remove the p  that has preceding sibling with no ending
>> character at the end of the last span?
> Yes, that template matches p elements where the immediately preceding p
> element is one with a span child where class is not 'chapter' and where the
> last such span element does not end with one of those characters you
> As the template is empty it ensure that any such p elements are not copied.
>> How can I remove the following:
>> 1. extra xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" and
>> version="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" inside html element.
>> 2. extra profile="" in head element
>> 3. extra xml:space="preserve" in p, span and br elements.
> Unfortunately any attempts to transform a document referencing a DTD on
> www.w3.org currently fail here with 503 HTTP errors so I can't test myself.
> I would assume that the referenced DTD you have defines default values for
> those attributes that the XML parser expands and that the identity
> transformation copies. According to
> http://www.saxonica.com/documentation/using-xsl/commandline.html
> Saxon 9 has a command line option
>  -expand:off
> to prevent that from happening so try that if you use Saxon.
> --
>        Martin Honnen
>        http://msmvps.com/blogs/martin_honnen/

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