Class DeleteColumnOperationBase

    • Field Detail

      • tableElem

        protected AuthorElement tableElem
        The table element.
      • deletedColumnsIndices

        protected java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> deletedColumnsIndices
        The index of the deleted column.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeleteColumnOperationBase

        public DeleteColumnOperationBase​(AuthorTableHelper documentTypeHelper)
        documentTypeHelper - The table helper specific to a document type. An implementation of AuthorTableHelper.
    • Method Detail

      • performDeleteColumn

        public boolean performDeleteColumn​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                           java.util.List<ContentInterval> columnIntervals,
                                           boolean placeCaretInNextCell)
                                    throws AuthorOperationException
        Delete table columns. The columns are detected in the following order:
        • from the given column intervals
        • from the selection
        • from the caret position
        authorAccess - The access to Author operations.
        columnIntervals - The intervals of the column to be deleted. If null, the column at caret offset is deleted.
        placeCaretInNextCell - true to place caret in the next cell.
        true if a column is deleted
      • updateColspec

        protected void updateColspec​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                     java.lang.Integer deletedColumnIndex)
        Update the colspec of a table for a given column.
        authorAccess - The Author access.
        deletedColumnIndex - The index of the deleted column.
      • updateAppliableColWidthsNumber

        protected void updateAppliableColWidthsNumber​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                                      AuthorElement tableElem,
                                                      int deletedColumnIndex)
        If the table has anything else to update when a column is deleted...
        authorAccess - The author access.
        tableElem - The table access.
        deletedColumnIndex - The deleted column index.
      • updateTableColSpan

        protected abstract void updateTableColSpan​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                                   AuthorTableCellSpanProvider spanProvider,
                                                   AuthorElement cell,
                                                   int colStartIndex,
                                                   int colEndIndex)
                                            throws AuthorOperationException
        Update the column span for the table cell that is included into the deleted column.
        authorAccess - The author access. Provides access to specific informations and actions for editor, document, workspace, tables, change tracking, utility a.s.o.
        spanProvider - The table span provider. The object responsible for providing information about the cell spanning.
        cell - The table cell.
        colStartIndex - The new column start index, 1 based.
        colEndIndex - The new column end index, 1 based.
        AuthorOperationException - When the operation fails.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        The description of the extension.
        See Also:
      • canDeleteColumn

        protected boolean canDeleteColumn()
        true if a column from the specified table can be deleted. false otherwise.