
Used by
Simple Type tenths
Namespace No namespace
The tenths type is a number representing tenths of interline space (positive or negative) for use in attributes. The layout-tenths entity is the same for use in elements. Both integer and decimal values are allowed, such as 5 for a half space and 2.5 for a quarter space. Interline space is measured from the middle of a staff line.

Everything in a MusicXML file, with the exeption of font size, is measured in tenths of staff space. Tenths are then scaled to millimeters within the scaling element, used in the defaults element at the start of a score. Individual staves can apply a scaling factor to adjust staff size. When a MusicXML element or attribute refers to tenths, it means the global tenths defined by the scaling element, not the local tenths as adjusted by the staff-size element.
Type xs:decimal
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="tenths">
    <xs:documentation>The tenths type is a number representing tenths of interline space (positive or negative) for use in attributes. The layout-tenths entity is the same for use in elements. Both integer and decimal values are allowed, such as 5 for a half space and 2.5 for a quarter space. Interline space is measured from the middle of a staff line. Everything in a MusicXML file, with the exeption of font size, is measured in tenths of staff space. Tenths are then scaled to millimeters within the scaling element, used in the defaults element at the start of a score. Individual staves can apply a scaling factor to adjust staff size. When a MusicXML element or attribute refers to tenths, it means the global tenths defined by the scaling element, not the local tenths as adjusted by the staff-size element.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd