[oXygen-user] [OXYGEN-13251] Teaching oXygenXML about my 2-arity extension function

G. Ken Holman gkholman at CraneSoftwrights.com
Wed Feb 28 07:35:21 CST 2024

Thank you for this guidance!

At 2024-02-27 11:57 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Ken,
>Thanks for the feedback.
>If you have a jar file with the extension function, you can add the 
>jar in the transformation or validation scenario extensions. Find 
>more details in our user manual:
>If you just want to ignore the validation problem, you can use 
>enable the ignore problems support. To do this, open the Preferences 
>dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Editor > Document 
>Validation > Ignored Validation Problems. Then you can use the quick 
>fixes to inore the problem in the document or in all the documents.
>Find more details in our user manual.
>Best Regards,
>On 2/22/2024 9:53 PM, G. Ken Holman wrote:
>>My editor is correctly flagging the reference to an undefined 
>>user-defined function with arity 2.
>>It happens I have extended my XSLT processor with this 
>>functionality, so I want to teach oXygen about the existence of the 
>>function so that it won't complain. In my environment, the 
>>stylesheet runs without error, so I don't need the tool to tell me 
>>the reference is in error.
>>Where do I do that?
>>. . . . . . Ken

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