[oXygen-user] [OXYGEN-12915] Customizing Batch Document conversion from Word to DITA

Oxygen XML Editor Support (Cosmin Duna) support at oxygenxml.com
Wed Feb 14 07:06:31 CST 2024

I'm sorry, but currently, the add-on does not support setting an 
additional XSLT processing file. We do have an internal issue logged for 
this and I've added your feedback to it to help prioritize it.
As you suggested, the only workaround at the moment is to post-process 
the resulting DITA documents using a custom refactoring operation, like 
in this example: 

Regarding the issue with the image being outside the fig element, I was 
unable to replicate this problem. The resulting DITA document should 
look like this:
         <fig id="figureID-figure_flower">
             <title>Figure Flower</title>
             <image href="media-image/image1.jpg">
                 <alt>A white flower with yellow center.</alt>
Could you please provide us with a sample where this problem occurs?

Best regards,

Cosmin Duna
Oxygen XML Editor

On 12-Feb-24 4:14 PM, Jirka Kosek wrote:
> Hi,
> we are using Batch Document converting Add-on on one project to 
> convert Word files into DITA content. I'm wondering if there is any 
> way how to customize conversion process in a more complex way than 
> just by mapping Word styles into HTML elements that are later mapped 
> into DITA (as described at 
> https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/versions/26.0/ug-editor/topics/batch-converter-addon.html).
> Examples of things we would like to customize:
> * Grouping of generated DITA elements. For example Word figure with 
> caption is by default converted to two paragraphs -- one with image 
> and the second with caption. We can map Caption style to "figure > 
> figcaption" but this will generate DITA figure only with title, image 
> itself will be in the previous paragraph. If we could run simple XSLT 
> on the result it should be possible to automatically fix such output 
> to create valid and more semantically rich DITA.
> * We need to create DITA Bookmap not plain DITA Map from one Word 
> file. So having ability to run custom XSLT that woudl transform map 
> into bookmap would help us a lot.
> Of course we can implement this as an additional post-processing step 
> but if there is some existing integration point I've missed it would 
> be much easier for users just to invoke conversion from the menu.
> Many thanks in advance,
>                 Jirka
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