[oXygen-user] [OXYGEN-6052] Why is the JSON Schema $anchor not supported?

Oxygen XML Editor Support (Florin Nica) support at oxygenxml.com
Tue Jun 27 03:01:11 CDT 2023

Hi Roger,

Thank you very much for the feedback.

We use a third-party library for JSON Schema validation and, 
unfortunately, it does not support the "$anchor" and "$dynamicAnchor" 
keywords. This is mentioned as a limitation in our user-guide 
but, indeed, the message displayed for "$anchor" is not accurate at all.

We plan to provide full support for JSON Schema /Draft 2020-12/ in the 
near future by using another library. I will let you know when this 
support is ready.

On 6/22/2023 9:25 PM, Roger L Costello wrote:
> When I add "$anchor" to my JSON Schema, the Oxygen editor gives this error message:
> 	The keyword "$anchor" is not part of
> 	JSON Schema Draft 2020-12 specification.
> 	Therefore, it is ignored by the validation engine.
> But that's not true. See section 8.2.2 of the 2020-12 specification (https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core.html#section-8.2.2):
> Using JSON Pointer fragments requires knowledge of the structure of the schema. When writing schema documents with the intention to provide re-usable schemas, it may be preferable to use a plain name fragment that is not tied to any particular structural location. This allows a subschema to be relocated without requiring JSON Pointer references to be updated.
> The "$anchor" and "$dynamicAnchor" keywords are used to specify such fragments. They are identifier keywords that can only be used to create plain name fragments, rather than absolute URIs as seen with "$id"...
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Florin Nica
<oXygen/> XML Editor

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