[oXygen-user] [OXYGEN-6406] The text in Oxygen is fuzzy with my new laptop

Roger L Costello costello at mitre.org
Thu Jul 6 12:21:19 CDT 2023

Hi Adrian,

Sorry, I should have provided the OS. I am running Windows 10. It is the entire UI that is fuzzy. I should also mention that my laptop is connected to a large monitor; I am viewing Oxygen on the monitor. No fuzziness viewing Oxygen on the monitor from my old laptop.


From: oXygen-user <oxygen-user-bounces at oxygenxml.com> On Behalf Of Oxygen XML Editor Support (Adrian Buza)
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 10:15 AM
To: oxygen-user at oxygenxml.com
Subject: [EXT] Re: [oXygen-user] [OXYGEN-6406] The text in Oxygen is fuzzy with my new laptop

Hello, On what OS is Oxygen running (macOS/Windows/Linux)? What version and build of Oxygen are you using (Help > About)? Is the entire Oxygen UI fuzzy, or just the text in the editor? Regards, Adrian Adrian Buza oXygen XML Editor and Author


On what OS is Oxygen running (macOS/Windows/Linux)?

What version and build of Oxygen are you using (Help > About)?

Is the entire Oxygen UI fuzzy, or just the text in the editor?



Adrian Buza

oXygen XML Editor and Author Support

On 06.07.2023 14:45, Roger L Costello wrote:

> I got a new laptop.


> When I open a browser everything in the browser screen is sharp and clear.


> When I open an XML document in the Oxygen editor the text is fuzzy. Any suggestions on what to do to make the text sharp and clear?


> /Roger

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