[oXygen-user] [ANN] Version 5.0.1 of the Git Client add-on has been released!

Alin Belu alin_belu at oxygenxml.com
Tue Oct 18 09:10:55 CDT 2022

Hello everyone,

We are extremely proud to announce the release for *version 5.0.1* of 
the *Git Client add-on*!

With the latest version of the Git Client Add-on, we expanded its 
functionality even further with various improvements, such as:

* A new Validate each file before committing option was added in the Git 
Client preferences page. Selecting this option enables automatic 
validation of each file before each commit.
* A new Validate all files from the project's "Main Files" folder before 
pushing option was added in the Git Client preferences page. Selecting 
this option enables automatic validation of the files located in the 
Main Files folder before the push operation processes.
* The integrated JGit library was upgraded to version 6.3, which brings 
support for ssh-agent forwarding.
* An option has been added that automatically detects Oxygen projects 
from opened working copies to quickly open them in the Project View.
* Added a Squash merge "SELECTED_BRANCH" into "CURRENT_BRANCH" action in 
the contextual menu for local branches in the Git Branch Manager. This 
will add all changes from the "SELECTED_BRANCH" to the "CURRENT_BRANCH" 
in a single new commit.
* By default, the History view presents commits from all branches (both 
remote and local).
* Tags can be deleted even if they have already been pushed to the 
remote repository.
* If the local branch has not been published yet, the push button will 
be decorated with a + symbol and will have a tool-tip to explain the 
* A more helpful message is displayed when pulling and the local branch 
doesn't track a remote.
* In tree view mode, if there are no changes, the empty folder with the 
name of the repository will no longer be displayed.
* The Git Staging view now has a busy cursor when an operation is in 
* Fixed an issue when authentication tokens were lost from options.
* Some dialogues have been improved to make them easier to understand.
* Bug fixes and performance improvements.

To install the add-on, follow this procedure:
1. Go to *Help > Install new add-ons* to open an add-on selection dialog 
box. Enter or paste 
https://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Addons/default/updateSite.xml in the 
*Show add-ons from* field or select it from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the *Git Client* add-on and click *Next*.
3. Read the end-user license agreement. Then select the *I accept all 
terms of the end-user license agreement* option and click *Finish*.
4. Restart the application.

*Result:* The Git Staging view is now available. To open the view, 
select *Git Staging* from the *Window > Show View* menu (or select *Git 
Client* from the *Tools* menu). This view acts as a basic Git client 
integrated directly in Oxygen XML Editor, and it provides support for 
committing changes to a Git repository, comparing and merging changes, 
resolving conflicts, and other Git commands.*Git *menu is also 
contributed in the main menu bar that includes various Git actions.

For more information, see the details for the Git Client add-on on the 
page below:

We hope that you will enjoy using the latest release of the Git Client 
add-on as much as we enjoyed developing it. As always, feedback is welcome!

Best regards,

Alin Belu
Oxygen XML Editor
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