[oXygen-user] cant run spell check on my raspberry

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Tue Aug 31 06:37:56 CDT 2021

I have been having fun running oXygen (v 23.1) on my little Raspberry 
400. It takes a while to load from the USB stick, but runs smoothly 
(despite dire warnings at startup). However, I have hit a problem trying 
to use the spell checker, since you (obviously) don't ship a Raspbian 
binary of hunspell. The popup says "Error: could not load Hunspell. The 
error message was: Unknown OS/arch: linux/arm"

Now, back in 2012, when someone reported the exact same problem here 
(but with reference to Solaris), they were advised to set the "spell 
checking engine" to "Java spell checker", which looked promising. 
However, that option is no longer available so far as I can tell, 
certainly not where Adrian said it was!

Any suggestions?

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