[oXygen-user] oXygen validation of datetime attribute in XHTML

Elisa Beshero-Bondar ebbondar at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 13:56:43 CDT 2021

Greetings, oXygen list,
One of my students (copied here) has discovered an interesting discrepancy
between the way oXygen and the w3c Validator respond to the datetime
attribute in XHTML. In oXygen, with an XHTML 5 file, the encoding of  the
datetime attribute with simply a year <time datetime="2019">2019</time>
raises an error. The error notification disappears if we use an ISO
formatted year-month or year-month-day datatype (as in  <time
datetime="2019-04">2019</time> or  <time
datetime="2019-04-15">2019</time>). The xsd:gYear datatype isn't recognized
as valid in oXygen's validation of XHTML, but we notice that it's not
flagged as an error by the w3c markup Validation service for an XHTML

When we change the context from XHTML 5 to HTML in oXygen, the use of a
year only in the @datetime attribute is valid and all is well.

My student and I would like to know if there's a reason for the year being
insufficient for @datetime in XHTML validation in oXygen, or if this is
something perhaps to be corrected in oXygen's validation?

Elisa Beshero-Bondar, PhD
Program Chair of Digital Media, Arts, and Technology | Professor of Digital
Humanities |  Director of the Digital Humanities Lab at Penn State Erie,
The Behrend College
Development site: https://newtfire.org
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