[oXygen-user] Find and replace with lowercase

Oxygen XML Editor Support support at oxygenxml.com
Thu Jul 11 05:05:12 CDT 2013


Unfortunately that's not possible with the Find/Replace tool from 
Oxygen. It only supports Java regular expressions which do not have the 
ability to lowercase/uppercase (as  opposed to Perl 5 regular expressions).

Alternative solutions:
1. (for less then a hundred matches) Use "Find All" to obtain a list 
with all matches and then manually navigate them (Ctrl+Shift+] / 
Ctrl+Shift+[) and for each match use the Document > Source > To Lower 
Case action. You can assign a shortcut to this action in Options > Menu 
Shortcut Keys (search in the filter for 'to lower').

2. (for a hundred or more) Use an XSLT stylesheet that processes the XML 
and lowercases the values of those attributes @fileref).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" 
     <xsl:output method="xml"/>
     <!-- Match document -->
     <xsl:template match="/">
         <xsl:apply-templates mode="copy" select="."/>

         <xsl:attribute name="fileref" select="lower-case(.)"/>
     <!-- Deep copy template -->
     <xsl:template match="node()|text()|@*" mode="copy">
             <xsl:apply-templates mode="copy" select="@*"/>
             <xsl:apply-templates mode="copy"/>
     <!-- Handle default matching -->
     <xsl:template match="*"/>
This will remove the DOCTYPE if any, so you'll have to manually put it back.
Also note that by default a transformation expands the attribute 
defaults (from the DTD/schema). You can disable that in the 'Advanced 
options' (cogwheel button) of the Saxon 9 transformer when configuring 
the transformation scenario.


Adrian Buza
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support

Tel: +1-650-352-1250 ext.202
Fax: +40-251-461482
support at oxygenxml.com

On 11.07.2013 11:48, Yudong Chen wrote:
> Hello, everyone,
> I was trying to find and change some attribute values to lowercase in 
> hundreds of xml files, using the Find and Replace feature of Oxygen, 
> but without success.
> For example, there are many values reading like this (just example):
> <mediaobject>
> <imageobject>
> <imagedatafileref="../images/AbcdEfg.png"width=".81cm"/>
> </imageobject>
> </mediaobject>
> I succeeded in finding all of those values using regular expression 
> but I don't know how to replace them with their lowercase versions.
> Have you ever succeeded in doing the same thing? Would you please 
> share the way you did it? Or it is just impossible with Oxygen?
> Thanks,
> Yudong
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