[oXygen-user] Outline view again

David Cramer david at thingbag.net
Fri Jan 27 22:04:48 CST 2012

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Thanks George. I just gave it a try and the improved Outline view works

My only additional suggestions would be:

1. Add a "Show element name" checkbox to the Outline view settings
menu along with "Show text" etc. That way you can select only "Show
text", hiding the element names, attributes, comments, and processing
instructions to have a clean table of contents view of the document by
filtering on the lowest level element you're interested in (e.g.
section in DocBook).

2. Show more information (e.g. element name, title, attributes) in the
tooltip when you mouse over a node. Currently, the tooltip shows only
the title even if the title is already showing. The tooltip should
show you stuff that you are NOT already seeing in the tree, otherwise
it's just noise.

I have to say it's really nice to be able to filter the outline by an
arbitrary list of elements. This will be very useful and it's nice
that it will work equally well with all schemas without special


On 01/26/2012 07:25 AM, George Cristian Bina wrote:
> Hi David,
> I just sent you an email with details on how you can access that.
> Please let us know your test results.
> Best Regards, George -- George Cristian Bina <oXygen/> XML Editor,
> Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger http://www.oxygenxml.com
> On 1/26/12 12:46 AM, David Cramer wrote: Excellent! You guys do
> work fast.
> Please do point me to the nightly builds. I'd like to give it a
> try.
> Thanks, David
> On 01/25/2012 01:19 AM, George Cristian Bina wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> We already changed the implementation for the filtering
>>>> support in the Outliner to remove the children/descendants of
>>>> a matched node. This will go in the next oXygen release but
>>>> if you want to test it using a nightly build just let me know
>>>> :).
>>>> Best Regards, George -- George Cristian Bina<oXygen/>  XML
>>>> Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
>>>> http://www.oxygenxml.com
>>>> On 1/20/12 5:39 PM, David Cramer wrote: Hi George, So, I
>>>> understand that it has to show unmatched ancestors if I
>>>> deselect "Flat presentation mode of the filtered results".
>>>> For example, if I filter on section you would show:
>>>> book chapter section
>>>> I can even live with situations where you have to show
>>>> something like:
>>>> book xinclude chapter section chapter section
>>>> It's inconvenient that the xinclude element adds a level of 
>>>> hierarchy to the tree, but I could live with it.
>>>> What does not make sense to me, however, is showing
>>>> unmatched nodes that aren't ancestors of matched nodes. To my
>>>> mind that's not filter, but search/highlight all (btw., for
>>>> me it highlights even unmatched nodes if they are descendants
>>>> of matched nodes).
>>>> It could be that in fact we need a new view that is based on 
>>>> css+extensions as Wendell suggested, though it seems like
>>>> adding a switch to hide unmatched leaves in filtered results
>>>> in the outline view would be a smaller, easier to implement
>>>> feature.
>>>> Please do continue to explore the issue and consider the 
>>>> perspective of writers working on a long document or topic
>>>> where they want to see a nav-pane like table of
>>>> contents/tree-view of the headings without being distracted
>>>> by other content. I have to say it's a limitation I've
>>>> noticed and more than one writer has mentioned it to me.
>>>> Thanks, David
>>>> On 01/20/2012 08:46 AM, George Cristian Bina wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> We will look into this (early next week) to see what
>>>>>>> such a change means exactly. My previous explanation
>>>>>>> was not complete - also the ancestors of the matched
>>>>>>> nodes are present in the tree. So, right now the tree
>>>>>>> structure of the document is actually preserved, the
>>>>>>> filtered tree contains all the nodes from the document
>>>>>>> that belong to a path from root to a leaf containing a
>>>>>>> matched node (and the matched nodes are rendered with
>>>>>>> bold). If we show only the matched nodes then the
>>>>>>> parent/child hierarchy will be not match the actual
>>>>>>> document hierarchy, for example if you match on 
>>>>>>> "section" and "para" and you have para elements
>>>>>>> directly inside a section and para elements inside an 
>>>>>>> itemizedlist/listitem then these later will be promoted
>>>>>>> as siblings of the former - that may cause some
>>>>>>> confusion I believe...
>>>>>>> Best Regards, George -- George Cristian Bina<oXygen/>
>>>>>>> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger 
>>>>>>> http://www.oxygenxml.com
>>>>>>> On 1/20/12 3:11 PM, David Cramer wrote: Ah, I see. It
>>>>>>> shows all descendants if the element has any children
>>>>>>> that are also matched instead of only the children that
>>>>>>> are matched.
>>>>>>> Is that a change you would consider for a future
>>>>>>> release?
>>>>>>> Thanks, David
>>>>>>> On 01/20/2012 12:36 AM, George Cristian Bina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>>>> What happens in fact it is not that oXygen shows 
>>>>>>>>>> siblings of the matched nodes, it shows the
>>>>>>>>>> children and descendants of a node that matches.
>>>>>>>>>> It seems that if we will show the matches without
>>>>>>>>>> the elements children/descendants that will give
>>>>>>>>>> exactly what you want.
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards, George -- George Cristian
>>>>>>>>>> Bina<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT
>>>>>>>>>> Editor/Debugger http://www.oxygenxml.com
>>>>>>>>>> On 1/19/12 5:43 PM, David Cramer wrote: Hi there,
>>>>>>>>>> I think I've asked about the Outline view before
>>>>>>>>>> and it seems to be getting more useful, but
>>>>>>>>>> feedback from writers is that it's still exactly
>>>>>>>>>> what they want.
>>>>>>>>>> When editing a document, it is useful to have a
>>>>>>>>>> "table of contents" view of the document next to
>>>>>>>>>> the main authoring view that provides a synoptic
>>>>>>>>>> view of the document's organization. In oXygen,
>>>>>>>>>> the Outline view comes very close to providing
>>>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>>> Given a DocBook document if I filter on
>>>>>>>>>> "chapter, section" then for the typical document,
>>>>>>>>>> I see just the chapters and sections, but the
>>>>>>>>>> results are a flat list. If I  deselect "Flat
>>>>>>>>>> presentation mode of the filtered results" then I
>>>>>>>>>> have the indented tree view I expect BUT I also
>>>>>>>>>> see elements, PIs, etc that are preceding 
>>>>>>>>>> siblings of the sections. For example:
>>>>>>>>>> * chapter Overview of the Foo Server * section 
>>>>>>>>>> Understanding the Foo Server Deployment * title
>>>>>>>>>> Some section title * para Why am I seeing this
>>>>>>>>>> para? * para This is noise and clutter ipsum
>>>>>>>>>> lorem * section Foo Server Concepts
>>>>>>>>>> Is there a configuration change I could make to 
>>>>>>>>>> eliminate the preceding siblings of the section
>>>>>>>>>> from the Outline view? If there's not, could the
>>>>>>>>>> behaviors of the outline view be adjusted to
>>>>>>>>>> allow for this use case?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, David
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oXygen-user mailing list oXygen-user at oxygenxml.com
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