[oXygen-user] A Trivial Docbook to Epub Oxygen/Ant Transform doesn't produce valid epub files!

Robert Nagle idiotprogrammer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 21:33:11 CDT 2011

Hi, I tried in XML Author to transform a small and simple docbook file
using the included build.xml file.

I used an example file already included with Oxygen. I added a chapter
and removed the address element (for reasons explained below).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/5.0/rng/docbook.rng"
<book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
    xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0">
        <title>Book Template Title</title>
            <orgname>Organization Name</orgname>

            <email>user at example.com</email>
        <title>First Part</title>
        <subtitle>Subtitle of First Part</subtitle>
            <title>Chapter Title</title>
            <subtitle>Subtitle of Chapter</subtitle>
                <title>Section1 Title</title>
                <subtitle>Subtitle of Section 1</subtitle>
                <para>Text hello this is robert </para>
        <chapter> <title>Second chapter</title>
        <para> This is the second chapter. </para>


I used the ant script to transform this small xml file  into epub. I
did produce an epub file, but it did not validate with epubcheck.

Here are the validation messages:

SystemID: zip:file:/I:/My Documents/My
Engine name: EpubCheck
Severity: error
Description: item with id 'd0e2' not found
Start location: 1:0

SystemID: I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\dummy.epub
Engine name: EpubCheck
Severity: warning
Description: item (index.html) exists in the zip file, but is not
declared in the OPF file

SystemID: zip:file:/I:/My Documents/My
Engine name: EpubCheck
Severity: error
Description: 'index.html': referenced resource exists, but not
declared in the OPF file
Start location: 1:0


Here is the content.opf file. I put marks where there were problems

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0"
        <dc:identifier xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
        <dc:title xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">Book
Template Title</dc:title>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
            xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" opf:file-as=""/>
        <item id="ncxtoc" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" href="toc.ncx"/>
        <item id="htmltoc" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"
        <item id="d0e11" href="pt01.html" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
        <item id="d0e16" href="ch01.html" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
        <item id="d0e28" href="ch02.html" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
    <spine toc="ncxtoc">
        <itemref idref="htmltoc" linear="yes"/>
        <itemref idref="d0e2"/>
        <itemref idref="d0e11"/>
        <itemref idref="d0e16"/>
        <itemref idref="d0e28"/>
        <reference href="bk01-toc.html" type="toc" title="Table of Contents"/>
NO INDEX.HTML reference


The ant log is below. Please note that I later  ran the db2epub.py
script via command line with no customization layer using
docbook-xsl-1.76.1 and produced an epub file validated by epubcheck.
The index.html file was correctly referenced.

A few other notes. First, db2epub.py did produce a kind of html output
error with the address containing a single invalid p tag. I don't know
what's going on with that, but that could be a docbook xsl bug.

Second, I seem to recall that when my customization layer referenced
the namespaced version of the epub docbook xsl that occasionally it
produced extra references in content.opf. Keith Fahlgren basically
said it was related to using the namespaced XSL when making epub

I would appreciate any insight you can shed on this. Thanks. Robert

"c:\program files (x86)\oxygen xml editor 13\jre/bin/java" -Xmx256m
-classpath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor
13/tools/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar" "-Dant.home=C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13/tools/ant"
org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\classes" -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\oxygen.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\oxygenAuthor.jar" -lib "C:\Program
Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\oxygenDeveloper.jar" -lib
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\oxygenEclipse.jar"
-lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor
13\lib\oxygenAuthorEclipse.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen
XML Editor 13\lib\oxygenDeveloperEclipse.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\resolver.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\xercesImpl.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\saxon.jar" -lib "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\xml-apis-xpath.jar" -lib "C:\Program
Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\xml-apis-ext.jar" -lib
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 13\lib\log4j.jar" -f
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor
"-Dchunker.output.encoding=UTF-8" "-DoutputFile=I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest/out/dummy.epub" "-DxmlFile=I:\My
Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\dummy.xml"

Buildfile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML Editor

   [delete] Deleting directory I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out
    [mkdir] Created dir: I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\dummy.xml to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\profiling\profile.xsl
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\xincluded-profiled.xml to I:\My
Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\dummy.xml
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\docbook.xsl
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/bk01-toc.html for book
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/ch01.html for chapter
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/ch02.html for chapter
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/pt01.html for part
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/index.html for book
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/toc.ncx
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out/content.opf
     [xslt] Writing I:\My Documents\My
   [delete] Deleting: I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\dummy.xml
   [delete] Deleting: I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\content.opf to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\removeImagesContentOpf.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out

     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\bk01-toc.html to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\images.xsl
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\content.opf to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\addImagesContentOpf.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out

     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\ch01.html to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\images.xsl
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\content.opf to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\addImagesContentOpf.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out

     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\ch02.html to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\images.xsl
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\content.opf to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\addImagesContentOpf.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out

     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\index.html to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\images.xsl
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\content.opf to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\addImagesContentOpf.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out

     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\pt01.html to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\images.xsl
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\content.opf to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\addImagesContentOpf.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out
     [copy] Copying 5 files to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out
   [delete] Deleting directory I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\temp
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\toc.ncx to I:\My Documents\My
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\copy.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out
     [xslt] Processing I:\My Documents\My
Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\out\META-INF\container.xml to I:\My
Documents\My Dropbox\xml\oxygen-mytest\temp\container.xml
     [xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxygen XML
Editor 13\frameworks\docbook\xsl\epub\copy.xsl
     [copy] Copying 1 file to I:\My Documents\My
      [zip] Building zip: I:\My Documents\My
      [zip] Updating zip: I:\My Documents\My

Total time: 3 seconds

The process finished with exit code: 0
Robert Nagle
6121 Winsome Ln #56C, Houston TX 77057-5581
(H) 713 893 3424/ (W) 832-251-7522 Carbon Neutral Since Jan 2010

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