[oXygen-user] How to pass the custom schema url from a validation scenario to a custom validation engine?

Stefan Krause
Fri Jul 1 12:52:02 CDT 2011

Hash: SHA1

Hi Sorin,

I tracked this a little bit down. It works fine if the "Schema type" is
XML Schema, DTD, RNG, or RNC:

SystemID: D:\temp\test.xml
Main validation file: D:\temp\test.xml
Engine name: XSLT-Validierung
Severity: info
Description: Executing: java -jar "D:\tools\saxon\saxon_9.1\saxon9.jar"
- -s:"file:/D:/temp/test.xml" -xsl:"file:/D:/docs/NurText2.xsl"
- -o:D:\temp\trash.xml -l:on Err.LinkedOutput=yes ArchiveType=RNC

It does not work if the "Schema type" is NVDL or Schematron. In this
cases, Oxygen invokes the command line which I had defined for "other"
without expanding ${ds}:

SystemID: D:\temp\test.xml
Main validation file: D:\temp\test.xml
Engine name: XSLT-Validierung
Severity: info
Description: Executing: java -jar "D:\tools\saxon\saxon_9.1\saxon9.jar"
- -s:"file:/D:/temp/test.xml" -xsl:${ds} -o:D:\temp\trash.xml -l:on
Err.LinkedOutput=yes ArchiveType=OTHER

The parameter of the custom validation engines are:

name: XSLT-Validierung
executable path: java
working directory: .
command line
XSD: -jar "D:\tools\saxon\saxon_9.1\saxon9.jar" -s:"${currentFileURL}"
- -xsl:"${ds}" -o:D:\temp\trash.xml -l:on Err.LinkedOutput=yes
RNG: -jar "D:\tools\saxon\saxon_9.1\saxon9.jar" -s:"${currentFileURL}"
- -xsl:"${ds}" -o:D:\temp\trash.xml -l:on Err.LinkedOutput=yes
Other: -jar "D:\tools\saxon\saxon_9.1\saxon9.jar" -s:"${currentFileURL}"
- -xsl:"${ds}" -o:D:\temp\trash.xml -l:on Err.LinkedOutput=yes

If you are curious: the stylesheet sends messages in Oxygens Linked
Output Format. It would be nice to have linked messages within the
regular XSLT message panel.

Best regards,


Am 01.07.2011 13:43, schrieb Sorin Ristache:
> Yes, both variables ${ds} and ${dsu} are expanded to the location of the
> schema when you run the validation action and the command line of the
> custom validation engine is executed. This is true for both the detected
> schema option (the radio button "Use detected schema") and the custom
> schema one (the radio button "Use custom schema") of the validation
> scenario.
> You don't have to create a different validation engine in Options ->
> Preferences -> Editor -> Custom Validation Engines. You have to create a
> different validation scenario using the Configure Validation Scenario
> action only if you want to validate against a custom schema with a
> different URL. The same validation engine can be set in any validation
> scenario that you want.
> Did you set ${ds}/${dsu} in the command line of the custom validation
> engine? Please note that you should use either the ${ds} variable or the
> ${dsu} one, not both variables in the same command line. ${ds} has the
> form of a full file path (not a relative file path) and ${dsu} has the
> form of a URL which means ${ds}/${dsu} makes no sense. The editor
> variables are explained both in the popup menu that is displayed when
> you insert the variable and in the User Manual:
> http://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-oxygen/topics/preferences-editor-custom-validation.html
> If you have only ${ds} or ${dsu} in the command line please send the
> output of the validation action that is displayed in the Info view at
> the bottom of the Oxygen window. Also send the parameters of the custom
> validation engine (name, executable path, command line, etc).
> Regards,
> Sorin
>>> [...] If yes the variable
>>> ${ds} or ${dsu} from the command line of the custom validator should be
>>> replaced with the file path or URL of the schema from the scenario.
>>> [...]
>> Do you mean, that ${ds}/${dsu} should be expanded by Oxygen to the
>> schema url (and in my case it just does not), or that I have to create a
>> distinct custom validation engine for every custom schema I want to use?
>> In the latter case, it would be nice feature to map the custom schema to
>> ${ds}/${dsu}.
>> Thanks
>> Stefan
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