[oXygen-user] XInclude requires xml:base= to be declared

George Cristian Bina
Thu Jan 14 08:46:09 CST 2010

Hi Syd,

It is not that complicated, an example always help:

imagine you have a structure like below:



main.xhtml includes through xi:include report/report1.xhtml
report1.xhtml has a reference to image1.jpeg <img src="image1.jpeg"/>

After processing the includes in main.xhtml it will result a document 
that will contain also the content of report1.xhtml. That will have as 
base folder the same folder as main.xhtml. The included content is not 
changed, that is it will still contain <img src="image1.jpeg"/>. If 
there will be no xml:base added then that will point to a non existing 
image. Adding an xml:base pointing to report1.xhtml will allow to 
correctly resolve the image reference to the report/image1.jpeg location.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Syd Bauman wrote:
> Thank you, George. I've read your mail (twice) and
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/#base as well, and I think I get it.
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