[oXygen-user] Schematron validation "errors" enhancement

Wendell Piez
Mon Nov 30 10:53:25 CST 2009


At 11:05 AM 11/26/2009, George wrote:
>Hi Wendell, John, Syd,
>I changed the Schematron support as follows....


As I understand it, @flag allows us to declare flags with arbitrary 
names that would switching to true() when an assertion "succeeded" 
(an 'assert' came back false or a 'report' came back true). How 
oXygen might use this rather depends on how SVRL reports it (I 
guess), which I haven't looked into. It's also not clear to me 
whether the design limits a given assertion to a single flag, or 
whether (for example) a space-delimited list of flags is acceptable.

The language in the spec regarding @role is murkier. Without an 
example (or maybe that post of Rick's mentioned by Syd) I'm not sure 
how that should work. On the other hand, I'm also willing to take 
everyone's word for it.

I agree that what George has implemented is an excellent first cut. 
It especially has the virtue of working in the background, without 
special configuration.

George, which error level is it that we will fall back to?


>* I removed the default marking of reports as warnings
>* to determine the severity level of a message we look for, in order:
>1. the role attribute
>    If the value matches (case insensitive)
>    "warn" or "warning"          -- we set the level to warning
>    "error"                      -- we set the level to error
>    "fatal"                      -- we set the level to fatal
>    "info" or "information"      -- we set the level to info
>2. the start of the message after trimming whitespaces
>    If the message starts with (case sensitive)
>    "Warning:"   -- we set the level to warning
>    "Error:"     -- we set the level to error
>    "Fatal:"     -- we set the level to fatal
>    "Info:"      -- we set the level to info
>    The matched prefix is removed from the message.
>3. we use the error level as default/fallback.
>I cannot see an easy way to implement a phase based approach. oXygen 
>determines the phases and pops up a phase chooser dialog when the 
>document is validated for the first time or on "Reset cache and 
>validate" action.
>All these will be available in oXygen 11.1. If you need access to 
>that before 11.1 just let me know.

Wendell Piez                            mailto:
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